
Responses from mrdecibel

mbl - is there a problem?
My only difficult service issue with a speaker, in over 40 years at this, was a blown tweeter for a pair of Leak 2075's ( just a wonderful sounding speaker ). I owned them for years ( along with other speakers at that time ), and had difficulty fi... 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
Last post ....A 12' x 13' room is not adequate for Khorns, or Lascalas, ime. 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
And Duke ! 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
On the other hand, I might agree with JohnK. There seems to be an underlying emotional thing with this friend of yours( or you) about giving you the Lascalas......what is that about....That is why I said "loan" on my previous post....Although, I d... 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
I have not heard the Lores, but based on opinions of others, I believe them to be fine for the money. I am a Lascala owner, for many years, as well as a Klipsch Heritage admirer, with much experience with them. I have modified the cabinets, built ... 
Strange Klipsch thing
Volleyguy. I understand that horns have a different projectory pattern, but with proper room set up between speakers and listener, and, room tweaks, they can do it all. On many recorded performances, my system disappears, and I achieve excellent s... 
Strange Klipsch thing
My Lascala set up gives me plenty of depth, partly due to them being away from the wall, and also, because I treated the wall behind them to my liking. Not being corner loaded gives the flexibility of positioning them to get the best of everything... 
Morrow MA3 interconnects
My MA3's from dac to pre are outstanding(single ended). I would contact Mike Morrow and discuss this with him. I find them to be very neutral after long break in..... 
I am looking to get more bass out of my system
I would try and "stack" the 2 pair if Chorus speakers, inverting the top pair,as well as place the sub somewhere in between the stack, trying to keep all the drivers at equal distances from the listening area. IME, this will achieve the "tightest"... 
Klipsch lascala subwoofer?
Duke is correct with his assessment. FYI : The Klipsch forum site has some good information on modifying the cabinets to improve the performance of the Lascala speaker. I have accomplished a lower bass extension, but more importantly, eliminated t... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
I was interested in coming back to this thread out of curiosity. Same stuff going on. Same individuals. I for one will make another momentary departure, once again, and spend my very minimum available, and, precious time, listening to my horn base... 
Why not horns?
Macrojack, you are absolutely correct. I changed the "word" in my own head, assuming it was an insult to horns (which I still beleive), although it might have been a joke. This was Face's 1st appearance on this particular thread (Why not horns)and... 
Why not horns?
Viridian, I used the term immaturity to indicate his use of the word "suck", as I personally and professionally feel this is a word an adult should not use to describe "anything". Kids use this word. And, this thread has been up for quite a while,... 
Amp more important than speakers?
From my previous post on this particular forum. In my many many years at this, I have not experienced someone wanting to buy an amp, and then say, ok now, let me find speakers to match it. As a sales person and consultant during many of those year... 
Amp more important than speakers?
If the question is what to shop for first, I would have to say the speakers, with the consideration to the room. Once the speaker has been selected, shop for an amp to properly drive it. Of course, it can be, and is, more complex than that, but th...