
Responses from mrdecibel

A stupid question(s) about power cords
Not sure, but these have the best connector housings / shells of them all.  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
Rhodium is a touch brighter at the very top, vs copper. Copper is smoother, possibly the safer bet.  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
My man....YES  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
From the Preffair main page, scroll down just a little. Right half of page, photo shows 4 cords*******the top right of the 4. you just sent bottom left.  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
No. "Visit the Preffair store" from the page,it will bring you to their site. Scroll down a little, and the power cable will be shown far right. We will get there, as I am determined for you to get this cable.  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
From the page you sent me, click on "visit the preffair will see the one. Spiral stripe on grey. Select the metals for connectors and the length you need.  
A stupid question(s) about power cords
Yes, Preffair, but a 10 gauge cable. Can get it with plastic shells or aluminum shells. Google : Amazon - Preffair Audio. You should be at their main page. Down on the right side, top right power cable. The one I am recommending has aluminum barre... 
A stupid question(s) about power cords
OP, if you have not purchased a power cable this. Amazon/Ebay : Preffair Audio : Power Cable :  Amazing for the money < $50. Have questions about these, let me know. I have recommended these to many of my colleagues and all claim they... 
A stupid question(s) about power cords
Do not worry about it. Buy a cable, use it, break it in, and report back.   
Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700
OP, the XA25 is not bridgeable, as an fyi. A pair can be used to horizontally / vertically passive bi amp, or actively bi amp through an electronic crossover. Do you have the 1+1s in a room with low ceiling height. The problem can be the speakers ... 
Could Class D really be that good?
I am with ricevs. As I do with many pieces and doing it for over 50 years, I finally got around to chassis damping my LSA GAN 350, including changing out the stock rubber feet. What I hear now vs stock, are cleaner, faster and more agile sounding ... 
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
Play a few specific tracks that you know well, understand what you are listening to, and then do as dill suggested. Power cord differences are very easy to hear through my system, used anywhere in the chain.   
Suggestions for power amps
LSA Discovery GAN 350. A completely different animal than the Warp 1. Not even close. Tried the Warp 1. Did nothing for me. I have the LSA 350 (along with a numerous collection of other great amps), and it is up there. Keep in mind, it did not mea... 
Best sounding FM table radio ever made...
I am here to 2nd (3rd actually) the Proton 300/301.    
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday
RIP Andy Singer...the legend. Andy was an excellent businessman, and a BIG man. I rarely saw him smile but was always very professional. He offered to hire me at one point, as long as I brought with me my client list. I did buy a handful of items ...