
Responses from mr_m

Rega Planar 3: Is the Exact a significant upgrade from the Elys 2?
Regas are good 'tables. My first 3 TT's were Rega. 
Horses for courses. Wow. Goes to show you how important 'table, arm, cart., and phono pre synergy is. Not saying OP is totally wrong on his assessment, as I have heard the Delos on my friends TT and it produced some of the finest vinyl sound I eve... 
I've listened to that cart. at length, and it's nothing like you described. In fact it's one of the most musical catridges I've ever heard.I'ts got to be your setup. IMO. 
How many of you are digital only systems?
+1, pcrhkr. :-) 
Next step in Turntable
I would go with the Brinkmann Bardo. That turntable is a work of art. Have looked at and listened to Technics, not bad, but not in the same league as Bardo. 
Cartridge recommendations?
Are the older SMMC series Soundsmith's still made? Unless they are still made under the B&O name. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
Yes, but Tom Port is also a businessman....:-)) 
Cartridge recommendations?
CHAKSTER, I said I don't recommend a mismatch. I also don't have the cart I recommended but DID compare it to others. In other words I DID make the comparison to other carts therefore not invalidating my comparisons.Try comparing the MP-110 agains... 
Cartridge recommendations?
Also OP, the Nagaoka MP-110 easily meets all of your other requirements including balanced good sound. 
Cartridge recommendations?
Compliance is over-rated. I have used high and low compliance carts on my turntable with excellent results with both. While I wouldn't recommend a total mismatch, give various carts a listen if you are able. You will be surprised at the results. S... 
Cartridge recommendations?
The Nagaoka MP-110 is in your price range. Have compared it against higher priced Ortofon, Dynavector, Sumlko, Grado, etc. It's a killer....:-) 
streamer to DAC connection
OP. I'm with you on this one. Nothing wrong with a question to learn. Some people are extremely touchy and sensitive. The proof is in the pudding, and that is, how does it sound???  :-))) 
streamer to DAC connection
If it all comes down to sound quality, I'd be willing to bet you couldn't hear the difference between a 1 meter coax connection to the 1.25 length. Not being snarky, just say'in.... 
streamer to DAC connection
Jjss49.Maybe you should give the OP a break. He asked you a civil and legit question. I would question the reason for specific length of coax too. 
My Last CD player
"They will be out of production and so become **rare* = high demand"When out of production that will = "white elephant"  It doesn't work the way you think with highend audio components. All to common a tale...sadly.