

Responses from mofimadness

Best way to shotgun cables
Normal "shotgun" configuration is the twist the wires in the same jacket together. That's the way I've always seen it done. I have done this many times to great satisfaction. My current setup has it just this way. 
Spica TC-50 and amp advice
I've owned several pairs of the TC-50s and was a Spica dealer for years. The amps, (in your price range used) I had excellent luck with were:Forte 1ASonographe (conrad johnson design) SA250Classe SeventyClasse TenAragon 4004MKII 
whats the diff btw a Planar 3 and a P3?
To add to what Wendell, (Narrod) said, you can buy a motor update kit from Rega for the older Planar tables to make the motor mount the same as the P3. I agree that the "plinth" itself, sounds the same. 
Stylus replacement
You will need send it to Soundsmith for a retip, if you actually have the stylus assembly? The stylus is no longer available anywhere, (unless you could find a used or NOS here on Audiogon. They so show up once in awhile). I had mine retipped by S... 
My choice, (in order) would be:1. Tung Sol2. Sylvania3. RCA4. GE 
How does one choose a phono stage.
Audio Research PH-5. Around $1500 used here on Audiogon. 
can you play a gold record?
From Wikipedia:The plaques themselves contain various items under the glass. Modern awards often use CDs instead of records. Most gold and platinum records are actually vinyl records dipped (or otherwise coated) in fine metallic paint, while trimm... 
Great old speakers that are as good as new ones
I also agree with the Dahlquist DQ 10's. Wonderful speakers...still. 
Blues records article in Sunday NY Times
Here's a link to the story:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/12/arts/music/12petr.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&sq=blues&st=cse&scp=1 
Dissapointed with my new speakers
Make sure you have them wired correctly. If they are out-of-phase, the bass response will be weak. 
Recommended new speakers for under $500?
The new issue of Stereophile had an excellent review of the Mordaunt-Short "Carnival" speakers. List price is only $250.00 a pair. 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
If I "had" to choose ONLY one, it would be The Absolute Sound without question. I actually still get all of the three you mention, but I am planning on NOT renewing my sub to Sound & Vision...it's gotten kinda lame. 
PBS/ Martin Scorcese Blues Series
I bought the CD of this series with Keb Mo. I'm not that big of a blues fan, but this CD is wonderful. 
Mothership - The Inspiration
Go to Pandora and create a Led Zeppelin radio station and see what else comes up. Pandora is free and really pretty cool.www.pandora.com 
Project Tube Box SE II with Sumiko Bl Pt 2 HELP
Yes. Just think of the BP2 as a MM cartridge as far a settings go.