

Responses from mofimadness

Thread size of Martin Logan Sequel II's spikes
Or you could e-mail Jim Powers. He's THE dude at Martin Logan for service questions, (and a GREAT guy).jpower@martinlogan.com 
Old Paradigm studios against new monitors?
Having sold Paradigm for many years, I feel that the Studio 20s are a much better speaker than the current Monitor series. The Studio series used better drivers and crossovers and boxes. The Monitor series is an excellent value priced product, but... 
female ballad song or artist from early 2000's ?
Jgeyer, this is a way long shot, but is this it?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAXnPrWvZak 
Replacing light bulb McInthosh 2125
Audiogon member "Theo" is the master at replacing McIntosh bulbs. E-mail him or I'm sure he will see this and post a reply. 
female ballad song or artist from early 2000's ?
Dude, that's going to be really hard without more info. That time period was right at the height of Lilith Fair and a lot of female artists were getting noticed. Here are a few:Shawn Colvin Sheryl Crow Indigo Girls Lisa Loeb Sarah McLachlan Natali... 
Why 6H30 Tubes?
Metralla, I didn't say ALL or EVERY preamp. Sorry I stand corrected. 
Why 6H30 Tubes?
I'll add my 2 cents worth also. I have owned many, many preamps, (and still own 2 phono stages) that use the 6DJ8/6922 tubes and enjoy them very much, but on the line stage side of the preamp, I really like what the 6H30 tube does.The 6H30 still s... 
MC Load Resistance
I have found that the lower the setting, the thinner and lifeless the sound gets. Too high of a load and the sound is bright and brittle with too much edge detail. It will not hurt anything to try different settings. Let your ears tell you what is... 
New Beatles remasters
I also just got done listening to Rubber Soul, (my favorite Beatles album) and...WOW! My guys have got to hear these new releases. Just excellent. 
New Beatles remasters
Bruce_1, the boxset that Best Buy has for $563 is the IMPORT version, not the domestic release. 
SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?
I agree on the Bryston. Also, most Krells. 
Matched Tubes do I need them and why?
It really depends on how they are used within the preamp, (for what purpose). I'm guessing (2) for the line stage and (2) for the phono stage? Then, yes they need to be matched. What make and model of preamp is it? 
Ideas for used SS amp
An Acoustat TNT200 is a wonderful bass amplifier. I had one driving a pair of RH Labs subs and it worked and sounded superb. 
How to use an RCA single speaker post
It is still the same positive and negative setup, but with an RCA end as the termination. When I started selling audio gear in the mid '70s, this was a common termination on some of the lower end models. We would just terminate any speaker cable w... 
Interconnect for sweet, silky violin sound
Cardas Golden Cross.