

Responses from mofimadness

EE MiniMax Dac Tube Rolling?
I have tried quite a few and really like the Mullard CV4003 Platinum Grade from Upscale Audio the best. I also like the new Psvane 12AU7 from Grant Fidelity. The Mullard is a little sweeter and warmer, while the Psvane has more detail.Op-Amp rolli... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Just got the new Bonnie Raitt-"Slipstream" and Blind Pilot-"We Are The Tide". Both excellent. The Blind Pilot is KILLER. One of my favorite new bands. 
Cartridge repair
Peter, (Soundsmith) has done 4 or 5 cartridges for me all with excellent results. It does take awhile to get them back, but well worth the time IMHO.Expert Stylus Company in the U.K. is also very good, but you need to ship it overseas. Turn around... 
Best 5751 tubes?
Here is a link to an AudiogoN forum topic on 5751 tubes:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?raccs&1026858887&&&/Comparison-of-5751-Tubes-Raytheon-SylvanMy favorites are the Sylvania Gold Brand and the GE 5 star. I haven't trie... 
Dunlavy SC-IV minus SC-I = a good sub?
River251...Like I said, the SC-III fits better into more rooms than the HUGE SC-IV. I LOVE the IV, (and the V & VI), but they are ginormous and really need a big room to work well. The SC-III, (not the SC-II) is my favorite. IMHO, it was the s... 
Dunlavy SC-IV minus SC-I = a good sub?
I was a Dinlavy dealer back in the day. We sold very few SC-1's. Mainly for surround channels or for owners who already had the larger Dunlavy speakers and wanted a smaller monitor speaker for a smaller room.The SC-1's with sub will not only have ... 
Music Server/DAC in Same Box
Olive 03HD, 04HD or 06HD. I have an 04HD and LOVE it! One of the best purchases that I have ever made in audio.The Music Vaults are supposed to be very good also. These are available from Sound Science Audio in Colorado. I've seen ads here on Audi... 
How best to sell Hafler DH200/220 modified?
AudioGon is the perfect place to sell your Hafler amp. There have been MANY Haflers, (modded and unmodded) sold on here.A successful sale would depend upon condition and price. It should sell pretty quickly if priced right. 
Help Me Name a New Band
+1 for Surrender Dorothy. That's pretty clever Slipknot1. 
Good 6922 tube for my CJ ET-3 SE pre-amp?
Amperex USN-CEP 7308 is one of the finest. The Mullards are very good also. 
Alt Country/Folk, American roots
I agree with the Civil Wars album. "Barton Hallow" is indeed excellent.Lucinda Williams is great too.Not sure if this is in quite the same genre, but Over The Rhine is another terrific group. 
How will you split $3000 between phono and cart ?
If you can stretch your budget just a couple hundred dollars more, you could do what I did. I bought a used Parasound JC-3, ($1600-$1800) and a Lyra Delos, (new $1650). One of the best combos that I have ever heard, Just superb. 
Grover IC's
I've owned Grover's cables from the Sc series (Sc to Sx to Zx about 5-6 years total). They all require a pretty long break-in period. Believe me, they get MUCH better. If you like them now, just wait. 
Small Room Speakers
If I ever have to downsize to a smaller room, two speakers that would be on my short list would be the Totem Mani-2 Sigs and the Totem Model One Sigs. 
Grover IC's
Over the past few months, I have sent in all of my interconnects (Sx Series) to Grover to have them upgraded to the new Zx series.I agree that these are amazing cables. If you like them now, wait until they break-in. They really do take several hu...