

Responses from mofimadness

Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
In addition to my above post, I looked on both sites and could find nothing stating the rating that Lifeengineer posted? Acoustimac gives a NRC and a SAA rating. I couldn't find this info on the GIK site at all.Both GIK and Acoustimac use Owens Co... 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
From the info I found, they use the same exact materials. I can't see how one can have a higher, (or lower) rating than the other. Are you sure you are comparing the same model and SIZE of panel? 
How many albums do you need ?
How many albums do you need? This is a trick question right? I think that's were the word "infinty" originated from. 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
I did not compare the two. IMHO, acoustic panel treatments like these are pretty much the same. They don't make a "sound", so it would be pretty hard to tell any differnce. They are made with, more or less, the same materials. I just liked the bui... 
New 12AX7s from Audio Research
For about that kind of money, you can buy the new Psvane 12AX7 Grade A, fully matched from Grant Fidelity. I have some of these in one of my phono stages and LOVE them. I think there is someone here on the 'Gon that sells them also. I have only pu... 
Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac
I did alot of research before I bought my panels. I was going to buy from GIK until I saw the back of their panels. They didn't/don't trim the fabric and they just looked cheaper. Granted it's on the back, but I thought maybe the overall construct... 
Denon DCD A100
Audiogoner "Theo" just bought one of these and did a ton of research before he made his purchase. Maybe he will respond. I think he found the Denon for close to half price. 
Van Halen, baby
I agree with Tom on their new album. Very disappointing to say the least. I also saw them in concert many moons ago and they did put on an excellent show... 
Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD
I have recently also ran into a couple of artists that I was looking for their CDs and found MP3 downloads only. I am assuming it's a much cheaper way for the artist(s) to get heard. I didn't buy the MP3s, hopefully they will have CDs out at some ... 
Transports and jitter
When I was looking for a transport a year or so ago, I tried many and found all of them to sound different. Some better, some worse, but all made an impact. There was a thread on here awhile ago talking about transports and most all who responded ... 
what does V.P.I. stand for?
I remember reading a long time ago that only the Weisfelds and HP, (Harry Pearson of TAS) know for sure. 
How Do You Pronounce Thiel?
Tom6897 is correct. One of my stores was a Thiel dealer way back when. It is pronounced "TEAL". 
Snell EIV: refoam or replace?
The other one I was trying to think of is Bill LeGall of Millersound:http://www.millersound.net/service.htm 
Snell EIV: refoam or replace?
I was a Snell dealer and your EIV are excellent! You do not need to take the whole speaker in for repair. Pull the woofers out and send them to:http://www.simplyspeakers.com/speaker-refoaming.htmlorAny number of other repair places. There is anoth... 
Tom Waits Bad?
Tom Waits is an acquired taste. When I was younger, I really didn't care for him. As I've aged, I can listen to certain albums with admiration.