

Responses from mofimadness

Billy Gibbons and the BFGs - Perfectamundo
I've seen almost all of the "Live From Daryl's House" episodes and the one with Billy Gibbons is quite good.I'm hoping since it's that time of year, they will rerun the Christmas special with Shelby Lynne. It's by far the best episode. 
Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?
11-11-15: Dweller"Anyone know the asking price for a Ref-6?"$14,000 is the price I have heard. 
Magtech amplifier over heating.
I had a Sanders ESL amp for almost 6 years and never had a problem with it.Roger and Angela are fantastic people and will always take care of you. Also their product has a lifetime warranty.Sorry you've had problems, but just be glad that you had ... 
Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?
ARC announced the new REF6. That's why there are more 5s for sale recently. 
Adcom - To modify or not?
+1 for Musical Designs. John has upgraded/modded several amps for me over the years and does superb work. 
Linn LP12 Turntable; Motor Speed Problem
One of the best people in the country to work on Linn's is Rick Duplisea at Audio Alternative in Fort Collins, Colorado.He has been a Linn dealer for almost 40 years and knows more about them than just about anyone.Your dad will have to ship the t... 
Audio Research D300 vs Classe DR9
Depends on what speaker, but the Classe DR9 is magical on the right speaker. 
Billy Gibbons and the BFGs - Perfectamundo
I listened to this last night on Tidal. While I did enjoy it, it wasn't anything revolutionary.I much prefer BlackBerry Smoke for this kind of music. "The Whipperwill" is truly an excellent album. 
Turntable bearing noise
You said you put some oil on the bearing. Did you clean it off first AND clean out the spindle well before adding new oil? It might have some schmutz in it and needs to be cleaned. Was the belt still attached to the platter when you spun it withou... 
Atma Sphere M60 owners......
Maybe Ralph will see this and comment. 
Best arm for Dr. Feickert Analogue Firebird Table
Kuzma 4 point+1 
Where to get new midrange drivers for Virgos?
Depending on what the "damage" is, you could see if Bill LeGall from Millersound could rebuild them. He 's the best. 
Solid state power + tube pre or visa versa?
Yogiboy,"A tube preamp with a solid state power amp is the preferred combination."+1 
Ringing from the tweeter
Maybe you have bad tweeters? Can you try another pair of speakers, (or even better, replace the tweeters in yours?).If you live in northern Colorado, I have over 20 pairs of high end speakers. I would be more than happy to let you borrow a pair to... 
Virtual System updating problems. Anyone else?
AudiogoN is in the process of finally updating this forum and virtual systems. The email I got this morning says it will happen on November 30th. I'm sure this changeover is affecting some functions.Here is the email:Introducing the New Audiogon F...