

Responses from mofimadness

OPPO BDP-93 / Loud buzz using RCA Outputs
I'd first try a different set of interconnects. 
MRA : Myth or Menace?
Moonglum...there can be much more on a new record than just MRA (mold release agent). Like dust, dirt and paper fibers from the inner sleeve. I just opened a new LP and found a fingerprint on it. Most places make the people who package LPs wear ru... 
Advice between two Technics TT's
The 3300 is a fully automatic table and the 1500 is a manual table.The 1500 "might" sound a little better because it has less moving parts since it's manual and weighs a little more.However, IMHO, it's probably a lateral move at best. 
MRA : Myth or Menace?
I'm glad your experiment worked for you. No way in hell I would ever let an uncleaned record touch any of my tables/arms/cartridges. YMMV. 
Ideal Cheap Low-Watt Amp for Martin Logan Quest
Parts Express has several little cheap digital amps that would work. I have this one and it's really pretty decent for what it is. 
maggie1.7 maggie1,7i diffrences?
This has been discussed here. But, never a clear answer. 
Cleaning records. How often really?
I VPI mine once and then LAST them. Never clean them again, unless they need it, but like Kgturner said, "they never do". I do dry brush them before and after I play them with an Audioquest or Decca brush. 
ELAC Debut B6 speakers
Dpatterson"That is a great thread over on Audiocircle!"+1 
I find this so strange
I got an email a few days ago announcing that Fine Sounds had changed their name to WOM (World Of McIntosh).Wonder how the other companies under that umbrella feel about that?I'm sure Bill is rolling over in his grave. 
Shipping damage becoming a real issue
I haven't had any problems with new gear, but out of the last 5 used pieces I received, 3 of them were damaged because of crappy packaging from the sellers. Seems to an epidemic of morons. 
Unlikely New Gem...ELO
Just loaded that into my Tidal queue. Will listen to it soon. 
Gene Simmons says the rock business is dead
That interview is over a year old. Wonder if he feels the same today? Although, not that much has changed in a year, I guess. 
Headed to New Orleans
Mark,NOLA is my favorite city in the US. So much to see and do, really hard to set an itinerary.Records Stores:Euclid RecordsLouisiana Music FactoryPeaches RecordsSkully'sTo name a few.Music Venues:Preservation HallThe Spotted Cat Music ClubMaple ... 
Billy Gibbons and the BFGs - Perfectamundo
Marty...I liked the Todd Rundgren episode also. My three favorites are:Shelby LynneDiane Birch RumerIn that order. 
Be honest please
Taters"Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?"No