

Responses from mofimadness

Entry level amp
The new Emersa line from Emotiva won't be available until after they are introduced at the 2016 CES.  So probably around February or March of 2016. 
Tidal now on Squeezebox, no need for Ickstream
cymbop...did you "install" the Tidal app from mysqueezebox.com?  If you did, right under the "install" button is a "configure" button.  You will still need to do that because that is where you log your Squeezebox system(s) into Tidal.  Then once y... 
Tidal now on Squeezebox, no need for Ickstream
cymbop...you need to go to mysqueezebox.com and add it to your list of apps.  Then you need to sign into Tidal from mysqueezebox.com and make sure it shows up where you want it. 
Tidal now on Squeezebox, no need for Ickstream
Seems to be working fine on my (2) Squeezebox Radios.  Haven't tried it on my Duet yet. 
Over seas music vendors
EIL is one of the largest music dealers in the world.  They have a lot of really rare stuff that I haven’t been able to find anywhere.Watch out, you can spend a fortune there in very little time.http://EIL.com 
Turntable for life
Peter,That is a GORGEOUS table!  What do those sell for? 
Tidal now on Squeezebox, no need for Ickstream
ncarv...glad to hear that ickstream, (or whoever) finally got the Tidal app done.I was a beta tester for ickstream with my Squeezebox Duet. However, after about 3 months I got very frustrated with all the dropout issues that I finally gave up and ... 
I haven't heard the ATI gear, but have owned almost every Stratos amp model that Klaus has made.I started with a Stratos, then a Stratos Plus, then a Stratos Extreme, then a Stratos Dual-Mono (my favorite), then the Stratos Monos and finally the S... 
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
I know that Chris at Parts Connexion used to make/build custom crossovers for the Maggies.They were pretty expensive, but said to be really good. 
Turntable for life
I have both a custom VPI HW-19 and an Oracle Delphi MKIV that I've had for many years and still absolutely love and use all the time, (along with several other tables).But, my end all be all turntable, if and when I could ever afford it, would be ... 
If you could have only one Christmas album/CD, which one?
I really like the "A Very Special Christmas" series of albums, (I have them all). So, probably the first one. 
Scott Weiland dead at 48.
Very sad.  I loved his voice when he was with the Stone Temple Pilots.  "Interstate Love Song" is one of my favorite tunes.http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/scott-weiland-dead-at-48-20151204  
star sapphire washer on spindle?
The washer keeps the center of the record (the label) up just a bit, so when you use the clamp, the edge of the record flattens out against the platter.On the SOTA tables, you only use it if you have the reflex clamp.VPI, Oracle and several others... 
The War On Drugs
When that album first came out, it got really good reviews.  I listened to it, then again and then again.It's just not my cup of tea I guess.  I just didn't like it. 
Is there any difference between a phono cable and a regular interconnector?
Almost all "phono" cables are shielded.  If you used the Kimber Kable PBJ or any other of their twisted-like cable, they are not shielded.As mentioned above, you would need to connect the ground wire somewhere.