

Responses from mofimadness

Cable Upgrades or Better Components???
Zd...he has an ad for some JPS cables, but if you read the body of the ad, he is soon to publish a book on system synergy.So, he is selling his book.Good call. 
floor speakers upgrade
ELAC F5. Incredible value and sound. 
Disappointing audition after great review
Everyone has different listening biases...and rooms and equipment and ears.That's why you should always try to demo gear in your own environment. 
California Audio Labs Aria CD Player issue
Probably a tube. 
Tone arm upgrade
"I ultimately went with a different arm, the identity of which I am not at liberty to divulge ".Why? Is it from Outer Space? Did the Russian government threaten you? Geez. 
Kickstarter Tone Audio?
I was one of the first to jump on board the Kickstarter campaign.I love ToneAudio. It's my favorite online 'zine and one of my overall favorite audio mags.Can't wait to see it in print! 
ELAC Debut B6 speakers
I've heard the B5 and B6 along with the F5. They are indeed excellent speakers especially for the money.I'd recommend at least 100-200 hours of break-in before any critical impressions. 
CORK: Diffuse or Absorb?
I'm pretty sure that cork absorbs way more than it diffuses. 
Top 10 low gain line stages
I agree with Newbee. Rothwell makes some nice ones. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
Mitch...the main reason you don't see many LS10s for sale is because they weren't produced for very long. IIRC, the LS10 was only around for a year (maybe two), then discontinued. One of the shortest lived ARC preamps.It wasn't very well received ... 
Tube amp recomondations for Monitor audio RX6's?
The Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum Integrated Amplifier is very nice and is within your budget.I just had a chance to listen to the new Rogue Audio Sphinx Integrated Amplifier and was really impressed. It is a hybrid design, but it sounded wonderful an... 
Volume increasing and decreasing on preamp
Sounds like stray IR signals. Could be from any number of sources.You could try a "Factory Reset". From the manual:Sometimes a factory reset is necessary in order to clear problematic symptoms sometimes experienced in the field. A factory reset wi... 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
Mitch...I never really liked the LS10. I was an ARC dealer for many years and have personally owned almost all of the ARC preamps.I still like the toggles :-)Bdp24...yeah, all the features on the older ARC preamps were indeed very nice.Gundam91...... 
The choice of my new CD player
+2 on the Modwright units. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
Thanks for the update. Not really sure I like the looks?I really miss the old ARC style with the toggles.