Responses from mmakshak
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2? I have to admit that(as I remember it) I thought the Technics SP10 mk2, I heard on the needle drops, was more competitive with the best turntable sound I heard there(Pink Fish Media). In addition, the SL 1200 had some mods(one improved the table f... | |
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2? Johnnyb53, I guess I was surprised about the fact that I wasn't engaged by the music of a Technics SP10 mk11 at a recent audio show. I definitely think a stock Technics SL1200 needs something-even if it's only careful placement. I just wanted to p... | |
How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2? I have a different take(one I will get a lot of grief for). You might be missing the foot tapping quality of music. Does your body want to dance to the music? I've only listened to needle drops, a brief listen to one, and a Technics SP10 mk11(I th... | |
Better than the Project Carbon TT for $ 500.00 Is there a difference between DD turntables and belt-driven turntables(foot tapping?)? Is there a difference between DC motors and AC motors? I would suggest you look into these(for yourself) before deciding. | |
Is this a good leveling tool? Coincidently, I was looking at the subject of which level yesterday, on the Linn Forum site. The (jist of the)answer was to use a long level(maybe 8-inches or more)on the plinth, because wood has enough minor imperfections that make smaller levels... | |
Help with Turntable/arm/cart decision Good job, Mattmiller. Also, I'd like to do a shoutout to Yogiboy for his logic. | |
Help with Turntable/arm/cart decision I would approach your problems with the idea that it's there to help you learn something(hard to do). What opportunity does this present to you? If you just repeat(in your head)"I have bad luck.", that doesn't help you. | |
Teres Audio Something to consider when purchasing(I'm not saying they are out of business, just suggesting that longevity is one area to consider.). | |
The pivoted arm experiment is over Excuse me for the mistakes that I make here, but, if the cutter is a linear tracker, isn't it driven by a motor, and although it might introduce more problems than it solves, wouldn't a motor-driven(close to the speed of the motor of the cutter) l... | |
Oracle Delphi Mk V suspension height Thanks. I'm pretty sure I never even came close to setting up my Oracle Mk 2 correctly. | |
the most underrated 33 1/3 in history? I didn't realize this was about one album, so I'm going to nominate Led Zepplin III(maybe because it was so different from their earlier two albums). | |
Isolation platform - Gingko vs Mapleshade Sounds like a plan, Miner42. You might also research what Aires users have, and maybe what they've tried. | |
Oracle Delphi Mk V suspension height Oldears, when you get this sorted out, can you tell us how the Oracle V compares to the Oracle 2? I'm less interested in the sound(other than in the bass), and more interested in the effect it has on listening enjoyment-not so much in discovering ... | |
Isolation platform - Gingko vs Mapleshade I used the same setup as Mattmiller(i.e., without the brass footers, although I may have used 3 Iso Blocks instead of 4.). I thought it made music from a sub-optimal setup of an Ariston RD110. That being said, I think a Mana Table is slightly bett... | |
Turntable Setup by Ear? I set up an Ariston rd11e with a Grace707mk2, and ADC Xlm 3(then a Koetsu Rosewood) by ear(I was a broke student, and it was in the early Linn LP 12 years.). Yes, you can hear what everything does(including the springs). In fact, I would suggest t... |