
Responses from mmakshak

Anyone hear Oritek Audio's new preamp/DAC?
It's mentioned on the Oritek Audio site, but just barely. You have to look for it. I believe that it is solid-state, and the DAC is similiar to the separate DAC that he sells. It has a remote, an Alps volume control, 2 digital and 2 analog inputs.... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
This is relatively expensive, but not in the context of other acoustic products for sale-Cathedral Sound Panels. For $179/pair, they make a big difference. I bought 4 pairs from Decible Gardens, who had a 20% off sale for repeat customers in July.... 
Eldarford, was what you said about ebony and balsa true? I know there is site out there that describes the sound of different types of wood. 
APL NWO2.5 ?
Any of you guys throw away stuff that you've found wanting? If so,I was thinking of doing some serious dumpster diving. BTW, thanks for all the interesting information you guys put out. 
Magnan said that hard surfaces make the Nuforce's sound hard. My 4-inch teak did that, but I offer a cheap cure if you followed my mistaken advice. On top of my teak, I put a small isonode, then a myrtle block, and then the amps. Total cost, inclu... 
Upgrading Entire System...please help
Don't forget Pro-Gold for your connectors. 
Upgrading Entire System...please help
I want to add an addendum to the above. To get an idea of class D amps, add the Nuforce Ia-7(with V-2 boards) to the audition list. Naim should be used with their own power cords and interconnects, I believe. Separate power cords from signal cords... 
Upgrading Entire System...please help
You could call audio stores and ask them to put together a system in your price range(assuming you have all the money now) and see how you like it. I would not make a decision right away after the audition. I have been upgrading my system recently... 
Recommended one make systems?
If you have a Nuforce amplifier, and are in need of a preamp, I think an audition of their P-8 preamp(assuming you can't afford their P-9) would suprise you. It definitely got me thinking about the synergy of using one brand. I'm not sure this syn... 
The best CD Player for the money
Just curious, has anyone heard Alex's(APL Hi-Fi) new DAC? 
CD Buying Guide???
I, too, am bothered by cd's that sound bad. It is more of a problem(an expensive one at that) with cd's than lp's. When the sound is bad on cd's, you won't listen to them. My current thinking is similiar to Jaybo's. I think that they are doing a b... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
I still think that vinyl is more relaxing than digital, if you stick to 1982 or earlier commercial lp's. Relaxation is definitly one reason we listen to music. 
HELP best phono & HT preamp setup-cant decide
I don't know if I can help with your problem, but I am temporarily using the phono from one preamp going into another preamp. I read from on online audio press that one should(if doing this)take the output from the first preamp through the tape-ou... 
has anyone heard the nuforce amplifiers
I just bought a Nuforce P-8 preamp to go with my Nuforce 8.5 amplifiers. Anyone in the market for a preamp to go with their Nuforce amps needs to at least audition the P-8(They have a loaner program, I believe.). For those just getting started, Nu... 
I've found the cd player for analog lovers
Rauliruegas, in my limited experience with cd's, I prefer the lp over the cd almost exclusively. Now, remember, I only listen to 1982 or earlier lp's. I won't buy those albums in cd form. I am aware that there have been much more recent remasterin...