
Responses from mmakshak

APL NWO2.5 ?
Guidocorona, you know that I won't be spending that much. I have to applaud what Alex has done with his APL 3910. It's actually unbelievable. Unfortunately, I can't translate it into an actual product. My best guess, is to get one of his 3910's or... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Cdwallace, it sounds interesting. I've got an outside chance to hear some Yamaha 5.1. I've read some things that say that the highs aren't as disturbing with surround. The 5.1 guy is a psychic vampire, so this may take awhile.(For reference, read ... 
The best CD Player for the money
Dbld, I see you had an Esoteric in the comparison. From what I've read, just that transport puts my 3910 at a disadvantage. 
The best CD Player for the money
Audiohobby1, I live the San Francisco Bay Area. I'de be happy to compare the two. My system is not optimally setup, so it might be better in your 3930's system. One thing bothers me. All by itself, Alex's 3910 sounds fantastic! I know this sounds ... 
The best CD Player for the money
Can I take back the words "not competitive"(although it looks like it got people talking). I think the words came from admiration of what Alex did to his 3910. It had me wondering what could be improved, also. After changing the stock power cord f... 
The best CD Player for the money
Dbld, Alex moved to Dixon(near Sacramento). I'm sorry, but I don't think what you've proposed is competive with my APL Denon 3910 with Volex power cord(17604?). Just don't ask me why, as I don't understand. I do have my APL on a Bright-Star protot... 
Home made cable lifters.
Unsound, where would I get the virgins, as I live in California? 
APL NWO2.5 ?
I enjoy, what has been stated about the 2.5. Can you guys give me a price on this? I just want to say that my 3910 from him(compared to analog, and designed with analog in mind), blows away my analog($10,000 in 1992). I may hsve actually heard it!... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I will have an oppotunity to listen to 5.1 soon. What I've read is that that the part of digital that is unmusical, becomes less unmusical with surround sound. I, actually, don't care one way or the other. I just really need music in my life. 
Your music system is an instrument.
Can I say, please listen to TVAD? He has helped me immeasurably, as far as power cords go. 
Krell come nobody likes em?
Look, I can't afford Krell, but, come on, they are great. 
Your music system is an instrument.
I hope no offense is offered here. I understand that some subleties are done here. I do wish that we(I have graduted from Nuclear Power School, among other other things). can get shit right. I couldn't get a comma here. I do want to challenge you ... 
Home made cable lifters.
I lost my thread. To keep it short, listen to Zargon's last post. In fact, I'de like to ask Zargon if he has had any experience in lifting power cables? 
The best CD Player for the money
Dbld, how about my APL Denon 3910 in this comparison? I am that confident. In fact, Ori(Oritek Audio-X-2 interconnects, and Zhalou modded DAC) wants to hear it. I am not necessarily confident in comparison to other cd players, although in a way I ... 
APL NWO2.5 ?
As an aside, does anyone know how to improve cd's that have digitalitis? Is it even possible? What caused it? It seems to me that it eliminates almost all cd's until about 1995. I do believe(without a lot of experimentation) that analog to cd soun...