
Responses from mmakshak

When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Tbg,I emailed Ori about your not being able to find his webpage. Mapman,I would like to have more time to listen to his battery-powered Pre/Dac in my system, but for me, you're right about a date that will live in infamy. Some questions still aris... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
What I didn't think was possible(I kept quiet, and was happily listening to[my much improved]analog.)has happened! I will have to verify this in my own system, and it is a prototype. I heard Ori's(Oritek Audio) battery-powered(and not just any bat... 
Acoustic treatment for corners.
Wow! What a room, Kevinzoe. Without doing the work, what would that mean in inches, for say an ASC tube trap in a corner. I gather that it would be pulled out less than 7.5 inches? Do Cathedral Sound Panels act as a Diaphragmatic bass trap? In my ... 
Help with my Oritek Stereo 70
Thanks Jp1208. I looked further into the Morrow, and I will be looking into their speaker wire at a future date. I orginally used Ori's Stereo 70 with his modified Genesis 2+(I think)speakers. I then tried his modified TAD 803(?)speakers. No go! I... 
Moving into vinyl. Brinkman, TW Raven, GrandPrix??
The benchmark is the Linn lp12. This table has been continuously improved. I would then see what you get for more(or less) money. Are you into sound or the emotion of music? Careful cartridge/arm tweaking can make an amazing difference(Note: I bel... 
Acoustic treatment for corners.
So the differences between an open area and a more closed area with a corner might be due to bass differences and maybe first reflection? 
Review of Cambre timbre rack
I believe they only list their Core racks on their site. Audiogon, and maybe ebay list their Entre' racks on closeout($89 plus shipping for a 5-shelf-they have a few other types of Entre' also). Parker King, who seems nice, is handling these. Thes... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Try wood damping on the face-to-face Tibetan bowls that you use between your speakers. 
Acoustic treatment for corners.
Thanks for the ideas. I have two ASC tube traps and a pair of Cathedral Sound Panels in the corner. If you look at Zargon's back wall(minus the bookcase), that is what is behind my speakers-the corner and the open doorway. It seems like the image(... 
ST-70 modifications
Contact Oritek audio, Stuartbmw3. I just got back my modded ST 70 last week. Ori replaced the whole board, disabled the ultralinear mode, and made it a Triode(single-ended)with 18 watts. He uses no feedback. The live feel of the amp is fantastic! ... 
Does anyone know about Mana tables?
Great information guys, and thanks for those setup instructions Manaman. Just curious, does anyone know if I can use the Mana Acoustics table(wood top)with the Mana Reference table(glass), or would it be better to use the Mana Acoustics table with... 
Anyone Using A Logic Turntable?
I read about the Logic turntable in the defunct, "Hi-Fi Answers" magazine. They may have had one review there. 
Vinyl Front End Upgrade
I get the feeling that you should slow down, but then I'm not without analog. I was able to solve my problem for under a grand, but I knew what I wanted. Is there no site for VPI users? You, obviously, need something better than the ARC SP16's pho... 
AntiSkate-crooked Cantilever correlation?
Dougdeacon, I agree with you much more than you might think. The part about "if it sounds better on the inside tracks, you have too much anti-skate" comes from my last attempt at anti-skate. Back in the day, Harry Pearson said the Koetsu Rosewood ... 
AntiSkate-crooked Cantilever correlation?
Very interesting ideas about anti-skate Dougdeacon. I put anti-skate dial close to the same number as the tracking force. I then use my ear to dial it in, using the principle, "if the sound is better on the inside tracks, you have too much anti-sk...