

Responses from mkgus

How Do You Remove CD Booklet/Artwork?
Thank you, everyone! 
Solid core Versus Stranded Speaker cables
I have removed almost all stranded wire from my system. For the most part, it’s solid core copper with cotton dielectric. Stranded has a certain sound to it possibly due to strand jumping. The signal may arrive more smeared than compared to solid ... 
Do WBT spades need break in?
I realize I’m a bit late to the party. Thought I’d share some recent experiences. I have recently made a number of DC power cables to go between a preamp and a power supply. At the same time I have been swapping interconnects around. What I have n... 
When Did Your System Disappear?
Not first but completely when my current Class D amps went online.  It was very disorienting at first.What do you mean by this? Is this a reference to burn in / settling in? 
When Did Your System Disappear?
Its been years since my speakers disappeared. Its been months since my room disappeared. Now its more holodeck than listening room. Last night we were in London, the Tchaikovsky was to die for.I like this description. Good music really can telepor... 
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts
“The TruthThere is no scientific evidence to support the idea of cable break-in, but there are still those who claim it improves sonic qualities. We’re not against optimism. We’re just not full of crap. Don’t drink the audio industry kool-aid and ... 
Favorite Linear power supply
Multiple fully independent transformers and power supplies within a single case/unit would be best in that case.  
Favorite Linear power supply
I use a couple Teradak DC-50W’s and I’ve been very happy with them. They are in your price range. I don’t recommend using one power supply to power two components. It’s best to use dedicated power supplies for sound quality’s sake. Just my persona... 
Do power conditioners “burn-in” & thus improve with age?
The sound of audio gear can be temperature dependent. That’s a big part of why amps sound better warmed up. If your amp was on the carpet and overheating, then it’s outside of the temperature range the designers intended so that could affect what ... 
Which is the most important part of a stereo system?
The room is the most important part. I’ve had a nice setup in a bad room and it sounded really bad. I would rather listen to a mediocre system in a great room over the highest of high end systems in a terrible room any day. The only exception I ca... 
Why Does CD Sound So Good?
Geoff, tell us how you really feel. 🤣 I know you appreciate the CD medium, so what tweaks help to avoid all those things you listed? 
Cambridge Audio CXC Series 2
It’s not a quirk. Mine does it too. I’ve actually come to love it. You always know with 100% certainty what track you’re cuing up. No more “Well, a second or two played, will the back button take me to the start of the track or the previous track?... 
Why Does CD Sound So Good?
Granny, I agree we can’t make blanket statements. Any format can outperform any other format if set up with the care and precision required. Okay, maybe wax cylinders will not outperform CDs, but you get my point.I’ve said before that I believe co... 
Tidal HiFi really lossless?
Once you select “high quality” for your streaming quality, you’ll get lossless playback. It streams to you in a compressed format so you’ll never see 1,411 kbps over the internet but your device is converting it to 16-bit/44.1kHz/1,411 kbps and se... 
Linear Power supplies for DACs...?
I don’t know what VPI claims. I always go back to this quote from @dgarretson in another thread:I read in one of my father's old MSEE textbooks from the golden age of hifi in the 50's, that a block of iron or other magnetic material in proximity t...