
Responses from mirolab

Most Realistic Recordings
While I love the Rock & Pop genre, there’s not many recordings that really just sound like a band in a room. The few that come to mind from the early 80’s are: Joe Jackson - Big World (live to 2-track... this is a high-end recording) Talking... 
Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?
Forget looks.... let's talk functionality!  What's up with the new high end preamps that have NO controls at all.  How is that a preamp??  Also, many just have one control knob, but no labeling. How would you ever know how to turn on the stereo wi... 
Question about speaker angle
In addition to Toe-in, people often forget that speaker height and tilt angle are also helpful tweaks.  For a stand mounted speaker, lowering it and tilting it back can increase bass response.  I have large floor standers, but I've found that putt... 
Turn off or leave on?
TURN OFF!!!  We're killing the planet enough already... you can wait a stupid 30mins to reach your audio nirvana for the sake of our future.... which of course is screwed no matter what we do now...... but still.....    
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....
I love having an EQ for vinyl playback. So many 70’s-80’s LPs have the low end rolled off, and it’s amazing how much it can be restored. I’ve been using a studio EQ for this. The Vintage Audio, Skyline M3D. It’s 6 bands of very wide overlapping ba... 
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
I've always used the CD-direct-to-amp as a sanity check for evaluating how a new preamp sounds.  The direct is always more neutral, but lacks a certain "something".  A lesser preamp will clearly sound worse than direct, but a good preamp will tend... 
The worst sentence in audio writing
IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! Time, phase, & transient response..... NOT frequency response.  Everybody seems to go gaga over frequency response and how FLAT it has to be.  But what really obscures details in music is transient anomalies and little reso... 
Fascinated By GR Research Channel
Danny is one of the only people I've ever seen describe the phase relationship issue between drivers so clearly.  This concept seem to elude a lot of engineers, which is clear by seeing his pre-mod measurements.  So often I go to audio shows and m... 
Any of the early Andreas Vollenwieder albums (the first 5?) I just played Side 1 of Caverna Magica for an old buddy of mine, and he exclaimed how amazing it sounded, and that he probably hadn't heard that in 20 years.  It's one of those albums th... 
Why are there no tube televisions anymore?
Let's all remember that old ANALOG video still had a sampling rate. It was exactly 29.97 frames per second!  (or 25 in Europe).  And what about those scan lines?  UGGHH!   Any comparing of video to analog audio is ridiculous.  I'm pretty sure OP w... 
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
The SOURCE (LP or Digital) is the most important thing and its integrity is responsible for more than 50% of the sound quality.Oh, except for the quality of the AMPLIFICATION (preamp+amp) which is responsible more than 50% of the sound quality.Oh,... 
Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ?
Mulveling,Thanks for that perspective.  I'm sort of feeling that way about it.   My pre is no slouch (Parasound JC3) but when I run the MC30 direct, the noise floor IS an issue.  When I use my stepup transformers, the noise goes away completely, b... 
Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ?
Ramon70,   Do you feel that you like your Quintet Black better than your old MC30?My retip experience of an old cart was not good.  I had an old MC20 retipped by Soundsmith with a RUBY cantilever.   When I got it back, it was amazing for about 6 m... 
Lack of Female Representation
I’m noticing a big change in an associated field... Music Production. As an audio engineer/hobbyist, I notice many more women getting into audio & video production, and rock bands. Just look at YouTube and you’ll see amazing women drummers and... 
Magico compared to Tannoy
Radically different from each other.... both great... The world is big enough for both to prosper.  Sadly my house & wallet aren't big enough for me to own both.  I've had Tannoys for 20 years, but others too.  All speaker types have +'s and -...