

Responses from millercarbon

Turntable cost:benefit
What the hell does the number of records have to do with it? You have 20 records you loved enough to buy but you don't love them enough to want to hear them sound even better? But if you have 100,000 crappy dirty scratched up records of no-hit won... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
mahgister:No object is possible without a consciousness that are implicated with it and more than that always constitutive of it...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qml1-xzPpxY 
Integrated stopped working
So let me get this straight- With the unit plugged into power and turned OFF the red standby light should be ON, but its not?If that is the case then, duh, power is not getting to the unit. If there's power getting to the end of the power cord, an... 
Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?
Indeed there have been no major upheavals in scientific thought for almost one hundred years. Yeah. Right. Plate tectonics. Look it up. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Humans can generally hear a ’one inch’ shift of the position of the phantom between the speakers ’ping’ sound. This equates to a perfected zero jitter timing change of 1/100,000th of a second. Which in Nyquist terms, means a clock and signal rate ... 
Vinyl turntable mat?
I notice your comments "Extreme articulation. Immense detailed reproduction. Every hit of the triangle is articulated." What I did not notice is anything about how you readjusted VTA for the increased record height. Air of course isn't about to be... 
MOFI Dire Straits 45RPM 2LP albums...finally shipping!
This came out long ago. Who knows how many pressings they are into now. Its nearly a year already since I got mine. The copy I got was the last one they had at Acoustic Sounds. The reason I know it was their last copy, when I called to complain ab... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
artemus_5Do yourself a favor. Skim right past the loser wannabes - above and to follow, as night follows day- and appreciate those like me who thank you for posting this brilliant article. You said "despite" but for me its actually the technical a... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Eureka! Depressed from scanning (no one could stand to actually read it) the stinking pile of putrid pedantry posted by the usual suspects above I decided to try the How Science Got Sound Wrong thread https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/how-sci... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Wow. On the scale of obtuseness you set a high bar. If you were any more dense stars would be careening down into the singularity between your ears.Okay. Last chance then afraid I'm gonna have to ban you. You can post. Just won't be read. Not enou... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
I am sure that most people reading this thread will want to hear more about The Master Coupler power cable. Can you share its characteristics from your experiences with us,Thanks!  Well, the Master Coupler is Synergistic Research. What that mea... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Oh my goodness! Conflated Cable Elevators with cable elevators! Oh, the humanity! You got me, Clouseau! 
Mattresses, not stereos is where the money is
I know the average retail markup for stereo gear is around 45%. What must the mark up be for mattress stores to stay open with this much competition? 90%? Ha! Not even close! High end stereo gear is an easy double. Which I know from years of buyin... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
blumartini-Sorry man your thread has been hijacked. In the museum of What is wrong with Audiophiles geoffkait has a whole wing, three basement levels, and a Raider's of the Lost Ark warehouse. Like a bad accident, best just look the other way.Ever... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Based on the op's own words:He cannot even get the number of cable elevators right (says it was 4 one time, 6 another time).A convenient "engineer" comes up with a red-wine challenge, that makes no sense with experienced wine drinkers especially...