

Responses from millercarbon

Recommendations for a good power conditioner? Do I even need one?
Get a used Synergistic Research Master Coupler for a couple hundred bucks, or newer SR Blue, whatever, just don't go more than $500. Because you need $300 for Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact, which at only $300 will do more for your system th... 
Tube Buffer
Really not in the market for an outboard $2k phono preamp.Right. But at least this shows you can see where this is going. When you find yourself at last finally good and tired of fighting inherent traits, literally built right in, then you know wh... 
Tim Mrock, Krissy Mrock, and The Perfect Path
Lol! You're getting all the big stuff costs a fortune to ship. I'm getting all the Perfect Path stuff that makes all his otherwise ordinary gear sound so insanely crazy good! Rookie! 
12-1/2" arm. NewArtVinyl Black Bird. Yea or Nay?
The question I think is da or nyet? 
Should the Tone Arm be Removed When Installing Cartridge?
I own a Linn and am well aware of the Linn-advised paranoia about stressing or damaging the bearings. I supposed one *could* exert enough force on the bearings that they could be damaged, but - if one is careful and considers the kind of force exe... 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
I've heard things you people wouldn't believe. Attack notes on fire off the shoulder of Mozart. I've heard C-notes glitter in the dark with the PPT Gate. All that music will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. 
Are Tekton speakers voiced for Tekton amplifiers?
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
Sell what you have and buy an integrated amp. Separates will never match the performance of an integrated, not for the same money anyway, because separates add a power cord and interconnect into the equation. It simply cannot be done. Not without ... 
Tim Mrock, Krissy Mrock, and The Perfect Path
Don't toss the Omega Mats, send em my way. I'll PM you my address. Oh and don't forget the Gate. I'll spring for shipping. 
chop stick holders.
I've never used cable risers and I'm a bit skeptical, but this is might be a cheap way to experiment rather than let my uninformed bias rule!Its called proof of concept: Will elevating work? Elevate and see. That's exactly what I did. Only I didn'... 
Tim Mrock, Krissy Mrock, and The Perfect Path
I received two ppt mats I have one in the breaker panel inside door one under preamp, I have them at least three weeks . I always had a good soundstage, but now iI can hear into it more, like the floor been lowered , make that more clear , I liste... 
Shortcut or badcut?
Thanks for letting us know. You would like a little more extension, shimmer and sparkle.Easy! When was the last time you cleaned? If its been more than a year you may be surprised how much extension and detail has been slowly gradually obscured by... 
Getting close to starting the upgrade process...
I agree with millercarbon! Scrap the Linn AV system and start over with an integrated amp (Parasound) and speakers (Tekton). Add one of the new Technics TT's ($1800) for LP use, along with a Schiit Mani phono stage. I agree with roberjerman! I wou... 
SME 3009 II Unimporved -- "Thin" Sound
but ... (after being accustomed to good quality digital reproduction) I am beginning to wonder if my expectations are too high!Oh. That's a shame. And you were so close too. You had me at "after being accustomed to..." That's where you should have... 
Getting close to starting the upgrade process...
Well I have my eye on the Hyperion myself. Reviews and user feedback on it is its a real outperformer, and me and my system are totally up for it. But the whole range is MI, and the assembly and moving mass of his cheapest biggest most massive bud...