

Responses from millercarbon

newbie seeks help with system design
Honestly, being as it is B&O then I would call Peter Ledermann at The Soundsmith as he is probably the man in the country to see about that particular cartridge. Because in your case you have what you have and don't want to have to buy anythin... 
If you're not too hung up on the whole mini-monitor thing, a pair of Tekton Impact Monitors at $2k combined with a DBA will get you killer performance and depending on how you do the DBA come in right at or under $5k total. You absolutely will hav... 
The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
Oh and if I may- the hardest naturally occurring substance on Earth is lonsdaleite. 58% harder than diamond. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16610-diamond-no-longer-natures-hardest-material/ 
Technics SL-10 Intermittent cueing problem
Its not the belt. Although it takes some nerve to charge $400 and use the wrong belt. And still not fix anything. So at the very least you have to admire their dedication to overcharging. But you’re right. I don’t know this particular model but th... 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
I started with piano in grade school. Parents made me take accordion lessons. Played French Horn in Jr High band. In High School band picked up trumpet, baritone, sax, and clarinet. Well once you can read music and develop the embouchure its down ... 
What's the worst speaker or stereo set-up you've ever seen?
I know a guy who shall remain nameless, and I know this is hard to believe, but he has a whole bunch of speakers just spread willy-nilly around the room and that's not all, they are pointed at the wall. A total schemozzle. 
The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
If it is so hard, and it is going up against some fairly soft vinyl, why do we worry about poor quality LPs damaging the cartridge or stylus? Just who is this "we"? Audiophiles, is my bet.So really your question boils down to why do audiophiles wo... 
Gender bender
Holly Cole, AllisonEnjoy!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj0u9W4aVxo 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
You have a 60 WPC tube amp with KT88s, virtually the same amp I have run for decades. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 This is a Melody 50 wpc. Before that was an Aronov very similar 50 wpc. Between the two ran four very different speaker... 
Too good a post to waste
Once built a $1200 budget system for a friend. While it was burning in I was playing around. Everyone thinks cables are such a small part. Hardly anyone understands the truth- because they have not done this: I put a $1200 interconnect in this $12... 
Too good a post to waste
Its not a swamp, any more than pre-amps or speakers are a swamp. The only difference is the everyone can talk about speakers and amps without mosquitoes, snakes, and crocodiles coming after you. Its not the wire that makes the swamp but the putrid... 
Buying a new TT today
Turntable. You will recoup a lot more for your Debut Carbon than you might for your cartridge.If the goal is to sell what you can get the most for, then maybe. I thought it was to get the most sound quality? I would hang onto the cart in order to ... 
Buying a new TT today
Either one will get you another huge step up. So which one is best has less to do with how much improvement you will hear (massive either way) and more to do with your long term plans and goals.For example, say you get a great cart like the $1500 ... 
Is there an ideal (ish) cartridge output?
what is the best output to give you the lowest noise without sacrificing performance. Higher output is definitely better, and would be universal, except its not free. There are tradeoffs.  There are only three ways of getting higher output: more c... 
I hope you know what this means: Review! System pics!😁