

Responses from millercarbon

Preamp suggestions, yes again
The best remote ever came with an old CD player. The front and back are high quality solid hardwood, laser-etched, with just a few large buttons that are easy to work even in the dark. The sides or frame is one piece cast metal, probably aluminum,... 
Can hardware change speaker phasing over time??
There really is only one explanation for mysteriously reversing wires like this. If you want to avoid further problems I suggest you pay close attention to this video, lest the situation escalate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW370Aj8E6g 
Yes and for much less than $5995 you could have a Raven Osprey with even more tubey magic and being integrated save even more. But for the range the OP is in it would be a shame not to go for the Reflection. Check out willgolf who has owned one an... 
You could probably find someone to buy the Salons off you for more than enough to get a pair of Ulfberhts, or even Moabs with all Be tweeters, either of which would be at least a match for the Salons in tone and detail, and walk all over them when... 
Tube watts are greater than SS watts, and no it has nothing to do with distortion or any of the other excuses SS people in love with measurements like to make. Your problem is nothing to do with the type of amp. You simply have chosen absolutely t... 
fake TL audio preamp in china
Xenophobia is an irrational fear or dislike of people from other countries. The OP, and everyone else here, is talking about equipment. Why are you trying to turn a perfectly businesslike discussion of poor to fraudulent business practices and dis... 
Phase inverted preamps and Rel Subwoofers.
I have Rel subs hooked to the terminals of the amp the normal way.  Could this cause the heat?No.  
There's gold in them frequencies!
Point of order, Sam. Shouldn't it be, "There's gold in them thar frequencies"? To be idiomatically correct, I mean. 
Getting him in my ARC PH3se phono pre
Move the phono pre over to the same outlet as the pre and power amps. Or move the pre amp over to the same outlet as the phono stage. Either way will eliminate your ground loop hum.If you're short on outlets you can move the motor or controller. T... 
Same Wiring of Speakers and Speaker Cables
Its preferable that it be good. But it doesn't have to be the same, any more than all your interconnects, power cords and speaker cables need to be the same brand. 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
I don't know that cartridges are a whole lot more expendable than anything else. Sure if you play a lot of records its possible I guess to wear one out. But then you sell it used just as you would any other component. I always have. Then buy a bet... 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
So what you're saying, to even talk about brass screws takes brass balls. The man's a poet, didn't know it. As Will Shakespeare once said, This s**t writes itself!" 
High Performance Audio - The End?
Listening further into bad recordings is not enjoyable IME — the warts just get easier to hear. Yes, there are some good pop recordings, but sadly not many. When I want to listen to poorly-recorded music I like, I just fire up my Bluetooth speaker... 
Decoupling Speakers
You could do all that. You could also use carpet tape. The front will be heavier than the back. Tape the four in the corners for stability, leave a 5th free to move for leveling. 
Decoupling Speakers
Springs work well. Cheap, too.