

Responses from millercarbon

One of the Best Stereo System in the World!
My kind of audiophile. Well done! 
What is the best way to clean records?
The key to clean is the Walker Enzyme four step, also recommended by Tom Port as the best cleaner. I bought just the enzyme and cleaning solution refills, use my own bottles and brushes, with only the final two rinses being vacuumed off with the V... 
Musing - audiophiles that new just enough to be dangerous
Does spell check capitalize and punctuate too?  
Springs under turntable
Moabs are on BDR Cones, on MDF Spring Thing. Springs are on BDR Round Things so they can slide over the carpet real nice.  
speakers on hardwooed floors
First of all you will want to get a spectrum analyzer. Take measurements from 14 different locations. Map out frequency response in three time domains. Take the average of the worst two at two different points. Write down the dB errors. Take the a... 
Musing - audiophiles that new just enough to be dangerous
We used to have one here new just enough to be dangerous. But that's old gnus. 
The psychological factor
If only there were some memorable way of showing just how irrelevant the numbers on the volume control are....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xgx4k83zzc 
Dedicated lines wire choice
Run one line not two. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 
How much space between cables is enough?
Something called tuberollin writes:@millercarbon from tuberculinYou are a troll.Wait a minute. Audiogon spell check turns tuberculin into tuberculin and you blame me?!?!?! I typed your name by the way. Spell check turned tuberculin into tuberculin... 
What the heck did I do
Could be. Could also be you got something on whatever sensor that thing uses to read speed. Probably just needs a reboot. Unplug it, look everything over real good, plug back in. Sorry. Make that plug back in, power on, cross fingers... 
Having A Tough Time Justifying More Than One Table
Only reason to have more than one is you enjoy having more than one. Always thought the whole point of component selection, auditioning, and all of that, was to find the best. Otherwise its a whole lot easier to just buy lots and lots of stuff. Oo... 
Basement listing room
Are we really talking about acoustics, materials, ducting and all the rest, for a system running a receiver? With wires from another room?? Really???Get back to me when we got our priorities more in order. 
Projector comparisons
Video projection is like a whole other system. Light control, being able to darken the room, and the screen, are almost equally important. The most important factor in video is contrast. Most people with plasma are used to watching with a lot of r... 
Projector comparisons
Projector people.  
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
Relax, players. Like I said, cakyol is NPC.