

Responses from millercarbon

Your system quality vs. recording quality
Well, two things. One, there are no recordings suddenly revealed to be bad by your system getting better. Mine's crazy better- and so are all my recordings. Records once though to be very run of the mill I would now have no reservations playing to... 
Can an “audiophile” ever be satisfied with a system?
Thanks. Appreciate it. But really, all I do is listen, read, think, try things out, and listen some more. Turns out every one of those steps matters. Especially "try". A number of things are dirt cheap to free.   But really, right now I am beyond ... 
Can an “audiophile” ever be satisfied with a system?
I've been satisfied with mine. Lots of times. 😂😂 
Why so obsessed with bass?
Why? You have your answer:Good bass response transforms a system.  Everything from classical to acoustic guitar sounds better.  Deeper, wider soundstage. So true. The problem is we still have lots of people who never heard good bass so have no ide... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
@millercarbon That was a really nice, graduated ladder of listening growth -- the audiophile's bildungsroman. Another poster here with really great ears also uses YT, but not to evaluate anything in an absolute sense; rather, he does what you d... 
How much lead and silica sand in speaker stands?
A set of mini-pucks (good for up to 25lb speakers) at $100 is $200, vs $70 for 2 sets of the springs. Actually you will probably only need 3 springs per footer, that is you will remove 4 from each one. Then with those 4 you drill 1/4" holes into M... 
How much lead and silica sand in speaker stands?
Sure, give em a try. The thing about all this stuff is, its pretty easy or at least predictable to say what will happen with something like what you did, mass loading. But anything beyond that- what mix, how much, etc- is pure trial and error. Inc... 
How much lead and silica sand in speaker stands?
Uh oh! Bolted, you say? Sorry. While that might be fine for keeping them on the stand, its not the way to go for sound. What you want is to make the stand as inert and stable as you can, and then allow the speaker to float above it. Nobsound sprin... 
K&K Phono Preamp questions.
Polarity + mute, eh? Good one.  Polarity I know. Mute I know. Polarity + mute, that's a new one. Oh wait, I see. http://www.kandkaudio.com/maxxed-out-phono-stage/ Turns out all the buttons and switches are exactly what they say they are: The to... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
This is crazy broad strokes, but there's a progression audiophiles tend to go through en route to becoming a good listener/evaluator.  We start off being able to notice tone, frequency, and volume. When you hear people talk about cables being tone... 
How much lead and silica sand in speaker stands?
What?!?!?! What are you looking at? Filled with pure lead, sure, you got a point. But then they would be so massive you need a forklift. So how ... wait, I know this is asking A LOT ... but how about some common sense? Two bags of sand, $4 a bag (... 
How much lead and silica sand in speaker stands?
When I see how a simple audio question turns into a virtue signaling contest I fear for our future. I really do.  There's two things you're trying to do here. One is add mass so the stand doesn't rock as easily. This improves dynamics and bass ext... 
cable purchase
My advice: don't buy based on price, or discounts. Find the right component first, then figure out how to get it.   The way to find the right component is to first know what you want in terms of sound quality, then to read reviews paying attention... 
Vinyl Accessories - Skip It or Buy It!
The sweeper is really more for anti-static than dust. People who have them notice a noise improvement that seems to be based more on eliminating static than dust. Mike has one, or something like it, and loves it.  RCM, people think they're getting... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
Bear in mind these guys all have a little bit different audience. The vast majority range in terms of knowledge and experience from utter noobs to advanced novice or maybe intermediate level. Even the ones who do know a lot, that is their audience...