

Responses from millercarbon

Fantasy Quintet - Who is on your deserted island?
Holly Cole, Jennifer Warnes, Bonnie Raitt, Scarlett Johansson, and Nicole Aniston. Pretty sure the last two can sing. Actually not that sure. Absolutely sure I do not care. We are stranded. You figure it out. 
Anyone Tried Unmatched Power Tubes?
I've run mismatched tubes lots of times. Every time one blows another goes in for however long it takes me to get around to buying another set. Always do full sets. Because almost always when a tube goes its been long enough to do the set anyway. ... 
Anyone ever try to toe-out?
Yeah no that won't work. Geez. Should be like Audio 101 test or something with a score attached to every post so you can go zero, nevermind. If it was fixed so easily believe me everyone would be doing it. 
A question to the Sound Engineers out there
The usual problem of asking a question about how its done assuming its all done the same. No one can say what "sound engineers" do because they do all kinds of different things. Not only from one engineer to the next but even the same one from rec... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
Encouraging to see at least some get it. Not surprised at all to see the O P does not. Maybe because it helps to want to understand? People who want to understand tend to say things like so and so says. People who want to argue, instead of says wh... 
Interesting development
@millercarbon sorry, but I don’t think your reasoning explains the sudden rise in value of the particular albums that I mentioned in my prior post. Right. Totally unexpected. Where'd that guy come from all of a sudden?  https://www.youtube.co... 
What did your system look like 30 years ago?
1990 was before I began my high end journey. 30 years ago, my system was 20 years old. Mathlexic? Or is it more of a logic thing? 
Newly patented, infinitely adjustable system tuning
You can just keep touching them and they let you. If that’s the best your lawyer can come up with, good luck! 
Difference between amps
They are notorious for misleading the consumer with their power output ratings. But that's a marketing decision. Correct. All this stuff is. The biggest marketing decision is the one virtually all of them have agreed on, to confuse and mislead ... 
Foundation relative to Blue Jean will be a revelation. My current Synergistic is well beyond Foundation level but I've had a lot over the years going back to the early 90's and they are hard to beat. The Synergistic house sound is big and full, de... 
Compatibility between preamp and amps
You've latched onto something of critical importance. So critical in fact that it applies not only to amp/pre-amp but to every component feeding a signal into any other component. From phono cartridge to phono stage to pre-amp, from CD to pre, fro... 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
Seemingly mundane things like switches and volume pots should at the very least be cleaned.   An election that was won in a landslide is being stolen in a so far relatively bloodless coup. But don't worry, when it does get bloody- which it will! -... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
What long term results? The Gate is so freaking good how anyone ever manages to disconnect it is beyond me. You went a couple DAYS? I couldn't go a couple MINUTES!  In my system The Gate is really just the beginning. There's Mats all over the plac... 
To re-cap or not to re-cap? That is the question
I've got some very fine 1980s vintage equipment I love and don't want to replace.   Well, that's it then, isn't it? On the principle "don't fix it if it ain't broke," I'm inclined to leave well enough alone. I don't notice any audible deficit. ... 
Audio forensics assistance
Deja vu all over again?https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/need-help-with-audio-forensics   Not a good sign.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfEuxRDYiyc