

Responses from millercarbon

What genre tends to be recorded in the most satisfying fashion?
Its a serious question. Totally get where you're coming from. But at the same time its equally obvious there's no answering. It might seem obvious Alvin and the Chipmunks recordings, or maybe the Monkees, are pure commercial with no audio quality ... 
Can flexible power cables sound good?
What is "flexible"?Asked only because afraid to ask what is a "locale dealer"? 
units without an actual ground pin on the unit AC outlet...
So now the ground pin and polarity are responsible for undernourished obesity. This thread has forged new lows in electrical misinformation, and in remarkably few posts. Good work, team! 
Speaker cables
Are they house broken? 
TUBE BIAS, socket to me!
Einstein's Theory of Audio Relativity:Sound quality equals double blind BS times the vintage age squared. 
Phono pre amp
If its .65mV that's medium output not low and just about any phono stage will have enough gain. For around $1k you should be able to find a good used Audio Research PH3SE, a darn good phono stage, good enough I was very happy with mine for a good ... 
Can flexible power cables sound good?
No, absolutely not. The best power cords are absolutely inflexible. Some can only be bent on hydraulic press- they're THAT GOOD! Seriously. In case you haven't noticed the most flexible are the freebie rubber power cords that come with everything.... 
Can AC Outlets really make a difference?
Yes the outlet matters. And the outlet box, and cover. Also the wire coming into the outlet box, and how it gets there. One straight continuous run sounds better than wired outlet to outlet with lights and stuff all on the same circuit like most h... 
My ICs are short…..duh!
Using this configuration now. But it is too soon to determine if this will affect quality over the long run.Uh, what? It is what it is. It's not gonna get worse over time.  
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
That at least is some sort of argument or reason. As opposed to the OP, who has nothing to offer but insults.You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen.Why I ask again do the moderators tolerate ... 
In my comparison experiment, go Lore or Lore Reference, or something else, for the same $
Hang out? When all he has are insults? There goes the neighborhood. 
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
Here's the problem with biased moderators and triggered snowflake virtue-signallers. They think this is just fine: dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupidwhen used by one of their own. But when turned around and used against them- where it belongs, by th... 
Fantasy Quintet - Who is on your deserted island?
Except for me and the one into twins everyone else so far seems to want to spend the rest of their life surrounded by.... a bunch of guys. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0pPPkkT7GI 
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
Where have you been? These have been around for many years. Did you really just see them now?He’s clueless. Anyone can see they’re some kind of fancy diffuser. Diffusers and absorbers are the staple of room treatment. Audio 101. No, actually more ... 
In my comparison experiment, go Lore or Lore Reference, or something else, for the same $
Everything you like about your Moabs (which, very well described by the way) you will find in Lore, for the simple reason they are due to his design philosophy and technology. Haven't heard them, just based on a lot of research and listening impre...