

Responses from millercarbon

Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
My Legacy Signature IIIs have every available surface area covered in PPT Mats. Yep, it looks weird, but the improvement in sound was really significant and well worth the effort. I listen in a low-light environment, so the mats on the speakers do... 
Record clamp/weight and turntable speed
Study carefully the pictures on my system page. Especially the platter and record clamp. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Nobody makes a proper clamp so I had to build one myself. It has been improved since these pictures were taken but t... 
McCormacks -- For lovers and investors
Have you heard one? It is a superb amp. And if you want that sound, well they just aren't making them any more. But more generally, what I keep saying but everyone is nana nana I can't hear you, we are in the early stages of monetary inflation. Pe... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
So after hearing Frank tell me they work great on speakers I tried it and sure enough they do. But having a Mat taped on the side looks dumb, even for me, and besides the outside of the cabinet is pretty far from the drivers and wires. So the driv... 
Thee Threshold or Cosmoaudiolgy or an Altar Call.
You come looking for salvation? Salvation you get.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8vcyOKYH9g 
Bulk power cables suggestions
If your goal is to convince yourself you outsmarted the competition and got better than those rubes who pay inflated prices then you're on the right track. A couple here will validate your quest and you'll all be one happy family. But if on the ot... 
Stereo systems are like Harleys
Phono line on receiver is always live.
It's not any different, except for the gain being a good 20dB greater. Also the RIAA EQ adds another 20dB to lower frequencies. Because of this, the same tiny low level noise you would never notice from a line level input is audible through the ph... 
Record clamp/weight and turntable speed
Because all turntables are designed to run at a set constant speed. Adding mass to the platter will cause it to take longer to accelerate up to speed, but will not cause that speed to be lower. 
what are some of best tonearms you own or experience with.
My first really good arm was the Graham 2.0. Later upgraded to 2.2. A lot of the reason for getting it was, besides the sound, the detachable arm wand that came with a jib that enabled super precise and simple cartridge alignment. Because back the... 
Can the top end of a PrimaLuna Evo integrated be tamed w/tube rolling?
It is not the amp. No idea why you are blaming the one thing it can't be. But you are.Keep looking. 
Differential Balanced Sound Quality
I've read where running a true balanced (differential) amplifier as such sounds much better than running it single ended (I'm assuming the same amp has both balanced and single ended inputs here).That's the story. The one time I was able to do a v... 
PC manufacturers?
The brand of cable makes a tremendous difference, for the simple reason that all high end cables are designed and manufactured on a very personal level. The designer starts off with a sound he is going after. Then as he builds more cables, if succ... 
Hearing aid correction bandwidth
There is a saying dougthebiker, don't put legs on a snake. Same exact thing happens with my 63 year old ears. Not that low, closer to 15kHz, and the tinnitus is almost gone. So probably mine are in better shape than yours, hearing-wise.Listening-w... 
How Much Distortion Can You Tolerate?
Like I'm gonna download that.Stereophile has a test CD with tracks at different distortion levels. A more pointless waste of time is hard to find. Zero distortion isn't music, it's a test tone fantasy. Massive distortion is on the other hand just ...