
Responses from mikelavigne

Schroder sq and the new talea
Ttbolad,i've heard the Sussaro 5 or 6 times now and have always liked it and a few times loved it. i consider it to be in the same general performance class as the Ortofon A90 or Dyna XV1s.i remember last year at RMAF in the Soundsmith room there ... 
Is it ok to use Zero dust on A-90 ?
i'll add my 2 cents to Doug and Raul, the biggest issue is clean records to begin with. if they are mostly clean then you minimize the build up which increases the groove temperature and cakes the schmutz on the stylus.i have 2 A90's and use the Z... 
Schroder sq and the new talea
i abstained from posting in this thread until now as i had a few strong feelings about the event for awhile after and thought that would be best. as far as how things came together that evening; with the perspective of over three weeks i'll just s... 
Superb PHONO Preamp ?
hey guys; this is a 9 year old thread (that was untouched for 9 years)and most of the comments (including mine above) are far out of date. if others start reading the thread it will end up confusing people.i suggest starting a new thread. 
Piano on vinyl - the best
Nojima Plays Listz, Reference Recordings, 33rpm Lp, is a true to life piano recording. i've been lately using it as an reference for how a reproduced piano can sound.first of all, the performance is excellent (not all Reference Recordings are that... 
What are the optimal percentages for analog system
i agree with Microstrip....it depends.it might be easier to offer helpful assistance if you shared a little about what particular gear you have in mind and an overall budget. as this is your first post and there is no posting history to look at to... 
Playback Designs vs. Berkeley
i did this comparison a few years back and at the time it was only on Redbook. i had just got the Playback and a friend sent me the Berkeley to compare for him as he was considering the 2 units.i used the Playback as a transport into the Berkeley.... 
Graham Phantom B44 2 or Taela ?
i own an original Talea, and am on the list for the newer 2nd gen Talea.Joel did do some listening tests in my system of the various 2nd generation changes as he went along; he visited 6 or 7 times over the summer. it was a real privledge being in... 
Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths
also some arms like the dobbins plinth are at the back and i'm actually unsure if they are attached or not.i've owned three Dobbins plinth'd tt's; an SP-10 Mk2, SP-10 Mk3, and a Garrard 301. all these have dual armboards that swing (for overhang a... 
How important is Cartridge Overhang? Need help
if you want to hear the best possible performance overhang is very important. perfectly mounted modestly priced cartridges will outperform poorly mounted expensive cartridges. the vinyl groove is picky about how the stylus 'sees' the groove surfac... 
$12K Laser turntable vs $12k hi-fi turntable?
above i called the ELP 'veiled' with a mist over the music. certainly not like digital in a sense that good digital is not veiled, it's just missing information compared to analog. the ELP adds an artifact of the reading process which i heard as a... 
$12K Laser turntable vs $12k hi-fi turntable?
it's been 4 or 5 years since i heard an ELP turntable, so it's possible they've been improved. but at that time they had 2 major problems.--any slight dust or dirt sounded like a gunshot (slight exageration).--there was a 'veil' of mist over the m... 
SACD vs. Vinyl
Kijanki,the studio is run by Crna39, an Audiogon member. it's called Puget Sound Studios.here is a Stereophile blog entry which talks about Crna39's work. 
SACD vs. Vinyl
Kijanki,sorry if i misinterpreted your post. i agree that DSD has it's challenges in terms of flexible EQ'ing. this mastering guy typically will use an analog EQ for his DSD files since a PCM EQ will do so much harm to the signal.this mastering st... 
SACD vs. Vinyl
Kijanki,what might change your mind about DSD-SACD-2X DSD would be a visit to a mastering studio where an analog source can be switched quickly to any digital format, including hirez PCM up to 352khz/32 bit. there is a mastering studio near where ...