
Responses from mikelavigne

Wave Kinetics NVS Reference Turntable Review on Positive Feedback
nice review by David, but not so sure about the pictures. :)after 5 years of enjoying my Wave Kinetics NVS I can say it is everything I would desire from a turntable and has been perfect from day one. super quiet, lively and involving, rock solid ... 
Lampizator Big 7 R2R review, with thoughts on system building
very nice review. I enjoyed reading it.I'm an owner of a single ended Lampizator Golden Gate. and I agree with you as far as how 'analog' the Lampizator dacs can get compared to most digital I have heard.I'm a big dsd fan too and have 7-8 terabyte... 
Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer
looking around my room at my gear; there are only 5 pieces of gear where i have not personally known the designer/engineer/builder of the gear and spoken to them a number of times.my Ortofon MC Anna cartridge, my 2 Studer A-820 master recorders, H... 
Would you buy from a firm that has a policy about not accepting phone calls
'No soup for you'.....is a phrase most of understand.it's an iconic reference to the idea that not every business will kiss the *ss of every customer. some products are worth a bit of conflict.so the question is whether the benefit of whatever thi... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
got my Elrog 300b's today for my single ended Golden Gate and I've been listening for the last 3 hours. I'm very impressed right from the start. this is the magic I've been looking for. Very very sexy sounding. It has that mid-range fire and spark... 
Swiss amps. Worth the price?
the marketplace says 'yes'. they are popular.long term resale value says 'yes'.Swiss build quality is no myth, reliability, performance.i've owned darTZeel amplification for 10 years. my NHB-108 stereo amp I owned for 7 years. i sold it for more t... 
Newbie, old timer or returned to analog?
into vinyl in my youth until the kids and CD's came along in the early 80's so was out of it until 1995. but more my life was kids and not a music focus.then the kids left and I got into high end audio and vinyl and i've been back and big time int... 
MSB Sig DACIV plus or EMM DAC2x
Fluffers,are you all PCM, all dsd, or both?if you are PCM 'only' and considering dacs in that price range you should at least investigate the Trinity Dac. what the Trinity does for PCM files is astonishing. I've had mine for 4 months now and abso... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Ddriveman,I just bought a pair for my Golden Gate dac from member 'Valvesaglowin'.TubesUSAGeorge was very patient and helpful on the phone. my pair are suppose to arrive on Tuesday. he is located in New York State. 
Sgt. Pepper's. remastered Mobile Fidelity
there is no problem with the recording.the 24 bit/44 kHz file of 'Sgt. Peppers' is the best sounding digital that I have heard. that came from a USB stick of the whole catalogue. it's better than the 'quite good' re-mastered CD Beatles box (mono a... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
I have also been a silent observer of this thread. I own a Lampi SE Golden Gate DAC and so have been very interested in what tubes might be best for me. today I called George Lenz and ordered the Elrog 300b's. he was very helpful over the phone.cu... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
thanks for the comments Calvin. I have enjoyed my ride. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
4orrel,you are welcome. and I'd agree that few high end cables are high value purchases on an objective basis; Tara included.the concept of 'overpriced' is a relative term based on a person's priorities.OTOH based on my experience with the very to... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Audiolabyrinth,Hi mikelavigne, did you know Dan D'Agostino invented the cable interface you have?, Dan did this when he was still with krell back in the late 90's, it is called krell castwrong.the Krell CAST system has nothing to do with the 50oh... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Calvin,thank you for the kind words and comments in the 'spirit' of this thread,@mikelavigne, you are slacking on your cable game. You got to get better ones. Lol. I'm rolling on the floor again laughing. On a serious note you seem to have an amaz...