
Responses from mikelavigne

Do wooden arms warp
having owned 8 wooden armed tone arms (Schroeder, Reed and Durand) the issue ignored here is how the wood is treated.....which, of course, is secret and proprietary for each manufacturer.so to generalize about what wood is going to do or not do in... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
one main way I insure neutrality is that every recording sounds as different as possible, distortion and coloration tend to homogenize things with that veil of sameness. each recording should be distinct.another method is visiting the jazz club 5 ... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Bob Crump (may he RIP) brought his CTC Blowtorch around to my room on his cross-country trip back in 2002 (I think?), and I compared it to my Placette Passive RVC which was my reference at that time. I liked the Blowtorch, but not enough to change... 
Led Zep Reissue on vinyl
here is more info on the issue of analog masters and thier restrictions. 
Led Zep Reissue on vinyl
Without being negative and just bitching, doesn't it seem a shame that the great analog pressings, UK, Classic etc. of all these albums seem to be universally considered to sound better? Why even bother with digital in the analog mix at all. Fine ... 
Led Zep Reissue on vinyl
Moryoga: I think the 'muddy' sound of LZII (at least on several tracks) is due to the huge amount of crude processing done when the album was originally assembled- you can hear the overdubs and the layering of different tracks- it is very evident ... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
i think that the new darTZeel NHB-18NS must be considered at the very top level of preamps. i've had the one-only prototype 18NS in my system for the last 10 days and it's a revelation both as a line stage and phono preamp.my 8 year old current mo... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Dev,you make a fair point about telling what is doing what outside of direct comparisons.that said; when an unfamiliar system sounds crummy, who knows why? but when an unfamiliar system sounds very good, particularly a vinyl sourced system, i beli... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
in 2008 Mosin did have the Saskia turntable at RMAF and it did sound wonderful. great propulsion to the music and very quiet and refined. as well as looking like a million bucks too.anyone who has seen it has desired it.at that time i owned a Dobb... 
HD Down Load compared to Analog.
i have 5 terabytes of hirez digital and enjoy it daily. i mostly listen to dsd files, but also lots of hirez PCM. i'm listening to it now. i agree that it sounds very very good, and sometimes great. it does have a consistently low noise floor and ... 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Doug,just to clarify, my information was that this small group of Anna's were 'pre-release' not 'beta'. these were distributed for demo purposes prior to retail release. i was not given one of these directly, i was only able to buy one after it ha... 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Dear M. Lavigne: I would like that you come back again not to tell us what already posted but to tell us if you have any tiny concern/worry on what we are discussing here. I hope you can share your personal opinion on the whole subject.Regards and... 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
ok. I get it. you guys have no interest in actual owner feedback on the Anna. I would have expected that information from extended use would be pertinent to discussion of the review.sorry to have bothered. 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Wolf,so you've heard the Anna? 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Who in this thread is placing an order for an Anna?I've owned an Ortofon MC Anna for 14 months. it's the best sounding cartridge I have heard and I've had zero issues.I unconditionally recommend it.amazing sound.btw; I have a number of friends enj...