
Responses from mikelavigne

What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
another Mahler sighting.....last night I was absolutely enjoying (under the spell of) the 2012 192khz/24 bit recording of a Chamber ensemble version of Mahler#4, Trevor Pinnock conducting the Royal Academy of Music Soloist’s Ensemble. I’m not a Ma... 
What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
Shadorne said,Oh and Mahler is amazing stuff....my favorite is the interpretation by Benjamin Zander - perhaps not he best recordings but I know Benjamin and he puts everything into his work and has amazing motivational skills in bringing out the ... 
What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
Dear Raul,thanks for the kind words. that recording I mentioned 2 years ago is now available as a Quad dsd download here;http://store.acousticsounds.com/a/31898/Ilya_Itin_Debussyit’s is an outstanding piano recording, no doubt, if you can play Qua... 
What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
with all due respect; generalizations about ’noise’.....pops, clicks, hiss’ from vinyl are not different than generalizations about digital sounding edgy or flat.these are not inherent format characteristics, they are artifacts of less than stella... 
What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
my opinion used to be different. i'm listening to the Tilson Thomas-SF Symphony Mahler 5th right now, in 24-96 PCM off my hard drive through the MSB Select II/SGM server right now. on the 5th Movement. had the lights down and was kicking back for ... 
MSB Analog DAC with MQA
Congrats davt, on your MQA feedback.I’ve got the MSB Select II with the MQA quad rate USB also and have really enjoyed the MQA master files on Tidal. i have to admit i was a serious skeptic on MQA but no more. some of those files are very, very, g... 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
1969-1975--AR tt1980-1990--B&O Linear Tracker1994-1997--VPI TNT MkII--Graham 1.5t1998-2001--Basis 2500--Graham 2.02001-2002--Rockport Sirius II 2002-2011--Rockport Sirius III2008-2009--Grand Prix Audio Monaco2009--2011--Dobbins Technics SP-10 ... 
Price No Object Amps
LP,no worries, I did not mean to 'wet blanket' the thread either.have a great day! 
Price No Object Amps
hi John,yes, all is good and i hope the same with you....and thanks.agree completely that amps are a 'system synergy' type product. they can be a 'trophy' type product too. but at the top of the food chain the right better amps can make all the di... 
Price No Object Amps
LP,you are the one that made this claim;"Somehow I feel that anyone serious about purchasing one of these models is probably not primarily motivated to obtain the absolute sound."so it’s on you to support it. how can you know someone’s motivation ... 
Price No Object Amps
"judge not, yet ye be......."oh, wait a minute. this is an audiophile website where all we do is mind read.I'm sure you know the buyers of these amps well enough to judge their primary motivations.  
Price No Object Amps
I’m upset my amps did not make the list. :-)would not trade mine straight across for any of those. 
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
no worries dragon_vibe. 
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
dragon_vibe,i did not make the connection between darTZeel and Atma=sphere......you did. i said that in back to back listening sessions ’16 years ago’ i preferred the Tenor OTL’s to the Atma-sphere MA2’s.....which was my opinion back then. and at ... 
garrard 301 and its' restorations
maybe post the specific video so we can relate better to your comments.i owned a Dobbin's Plinth'd and refurbed Garrard 301 that as i recall was dead solid steady appearing to the naked eye. but with a 50+ year old turntable anything is possible.