
Responses from mikelavigne

What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
Ralph,http://tenoraudio.com/press/press-releases/product-press-releases/classic-soundpieces.html re-manufactured.here ya go.....http://tenoraudio.com/high-end-products/high-end-audio/350m-ultimate-reference/ the current model tube hybrid mono bloc... 
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
This statement seems to be incorrect. To the best of my knowledge they only make solid state amps; I’m sure we would have heard about it if they still made OTLs.FWIW the MA-2 Mk2.2 dates from about 17 years ago... and in the intervening time we ha... 
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
my OTL experience is now more than 10 years ago, but the OTL magic is still a guiding light in my sonic compass.in 2001 i was moving away from Wilson WP6’s and top level Mark Levinson #32 and #33 mono blocks. i looking for a more involving and mus... 
Turntable Illumination - Recommendations?
table lamps are a PITA. the light is in the way, you are trying to fasten it to something, or knocking it over. what you need is a very tiny floor lamp that takes up no space anywhere but goes where you want it at any angle or any brightness. and ... 
DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks
Caphill,i know Definitive very well, for over 20 years. they (the owners) know me well too. it is a great organization. i was not able to attend the Music Matters this year, i had a conflict.thank you for the kind words about my system.as far as l... 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
thanks Zavato.as much as i loved the Rockport, possibly the Garrard is the turntable i miss the most for it's joyful way (if not completely truthful way) of playing music. 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
my Garrard 301, with Dobbins Plinth, was a real beauty. i also had a Dobbins plinth’d SP-10 Mk2 and a Mk3.the Garrard is to the right in this now 7 year old picture;http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/mikel/the_Beat_joins_the_tt_family_(1_of_1).jpg and th... 
DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks
Caphill,i respect that for whatever reason the Grandioso stacks have your attention to try, but not others at this time. best wishes with that and i hope you get the feedback you are seeking.back in 70’s and 80’s i did own a Nakamichi cassette dec... 
DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks
hello caphill,first off, congrats on owning the dCS Vivaldi stack, it is wonderful sounding digital. certainly considered by most to be among the best sounding digtial choices, and obviously at a high price point too.and you have a system that can... 
Looking for input: Best material for mid range cone
my favorite speakers use ceramic-sandwich mid-range drivers. it’s very light and stiff, and i have found that it’s speed and transparency mates well with ribbon tweeters for a one-piece sound.....and a seamless mid-range-tweeter is super critical ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
thanks Matt, good to be here.i will watch for feedback on the SGM, and Congrats on the LH2!no doubt there are multiple ’giant-killer’ dacs out there to enjoy these days. OTOH there are also one’s like the LH daV2 which are ’next level’.cheers. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt,wonder if you’ve had any opportunity to try the SGM (Sound Galleries Music) server?I’ve used it now on the GG, the Nagra HD, the Aqua Formula, and now my new MSB Select II. it’s very, very, good and excels with Roon and HQ Player as well as M... 
digital components such as dacs will ’sing’ along with the music, which is heard as noise and distortion. you can mass load your gear and change the frequency of the feedback noise, or you can decouple your gear and eliminate some or almost all of... 
Which server / renderer to buy?
one to consider is the SGM (Sound Galleries Music) server. it’s not cheap, but not the most expensive either. and it sounds amazing with my new MSB Select II dac. it was also remarkable with the Lampi GG, Nagra HD, and Aqua Formula.the SGM optimiz... 
What is most important part of a system?
as a person known for building a system without gear limits or room limits, it's easy for me to say the most important thing for me has been the sonic reference in my mind i am trying to attain. as my sense of where i'm going has progressed, my sy...