
Responses from mikelavigne

Best sounding Beatles Vinyl from tape
grey market 15ips 1/4" tape sounds better than any pressings i have heard. and considering what the very best pressings might cost and the difficulty finding them, the tapes are reasonable to purchase and find. and I have spent considerable effort... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
currently i'm using the new MSB 'Roon capable' Ethernet Renderer on the MSB Select II, and then using the SGM server as the Roon host. i'm able to A/B that to the SGM with USB.they are too close to call so far, with a very, very slight nod to the ... 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer LP
hi Mark,yes, see the first response above. and it was, as you say, a pleasure. 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer LP
Sorry fellas..I have the HDAD silver disc.the 24/192 transfer through a tube amp has EVERYTHING the vinyl has without snap-crackle & pop along for the ride..Master tape hiss is clearly audible without cartridge/surface noise.generalizations a... 
Muddy Waters Folk Singer LP
i have the MoFi 33, which is nice. but........both 45 rpm versions smoke the MoFi. better in every way.there are two 45 versions and I have both versions, an earlier 2 sided 2 disc, and later 45 version which is 4 single discs.the 4 disc version i... 
Anyone else a big fan of Norman Grantz' Pablo Label form the 70's/80's
the Count Basie Pablo's are among my favorite pressings. they are all winners musically and sonically. 
Reference level DAC + Streamer
hello Jay,my above post is now a year old, so things have changed in my system. last June i moved on to the MSB Select II (33 Femto clock and 2 power supplies). but the MSB is not really a direct competitor for either of those dacs, although they ... 
Led Zeppelin Classic Records 45 series -Am I nuts?
i own the Classic Records 45rpm box set. I also own most of the Classic Records LZ 33rpm versions. i don’t own any true original pressings but have heard a few. and i own 3 15ips 1/4" low gen master dubs of LZI, LZII, and LZIV too.the 45rpm LZ box... 
What is the name of your system?
meaning 18-wheeler?never thought of it that (18-wheeler) way. i just seem to refer to it that (the big rig) way when i post sometimes without really thinking about it. so when you asked about a name, that is what came to mind. 
What is the name of your system?
the big rig 
Galibier Stelvio II, Durand Kairos with Lyra Kleos (HEAVEN)
hi Luis,congrats on a great setup there.i have compared the Kairos to my Telos Sapphire and it holds it's own, I've recommended it many times. no one is ever disappointed. it's a great tone arm. and I've heard the Galibier many times with other Du... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
btw Matt, the Trina are not intended for amplifiers. possibly the reason for the flabby bass.not sure if you tried them only on sources or preamps by themselves. when I read your comments last week somehow I missed that detail.if you still have th... 
***Seattle,Wa.Area 2018 Update***
hi freedriver,here is a link to the local Seattle audio club.....the Pacific Northwest Audio Society.http://www.audiosociety.org/ it’s a good group with a core of active people. they meet once a month on Mercer Island on Saturdays. they have good ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
i never claimed i’ve directly compared these products. who gets a chance to do that? have you done that? not sure i want to go back and forth with a dealer in any case. i’ve heard the MP and Dv but not necessarily the most recent versions. i have ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt,as far as the ’look’ of the Artesania; if you observe pictures of gear on it, it’s the gear itself that jumps out, not the rack. since there are no shelves to hide the gear, only the skeleton of the ’functional structure’. and whether you cho...