
Responses from mikelavigne

Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
djones51,I bought orange vinyl and when I sent that link to mikelavigne before my purchase he said it was the same record that he has (number, I guess). He did not comment on the color, though. In any case, the orange one sounds just fine to me, ... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
Musicians say it sounds truest to what they hear coming from the instrument......it’s been multi-decades since ’musicians’ had any idea about anything other than digital.’a’ musician......maybe one in a thousand.one in a hundred working pro audio... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
I'm nowhere near Seattle but I would be more than happy to listen in a controlled blind test and see the preference of all involved. It might be vinyl but it still doesn't change reality. simply tell us the hardware and media to be played. we ... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
@roberttdid Mike, I will try to take you up on that offer to come listen after this whole Covid thing dies down which unfortunately looks like it won’t be any time soon. I may even bring my own digital source. I would be interested in your thought... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
Some may prefer vinyl but it can’t hold the information that a digital file can it’s impossible. If a square wave won’t play then something is wrong. No such thing as " all analog". i completely understand your reluctance to allow actual listenin... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
Robert,play this all analog record on a very high quality turntable...... https://store.acousticsounds.com/d/125556?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzfa9h_Cl6gIVEhLnCh0oigBLEAYYAyABEgI-EPD_BwE .......then provide a link to a digital recording that can do an acou... 
Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products
i think when we relate dedicated circuits to grounding we cause confusion, at least in the title to the thread. you do go on to discuss Synergistic Research grounding products.dedicated circuits are mostly related to safety issues related to the A... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
why do so many audiogon threads become ’one liner’ dumpster fires?i get liking it around here and then off we gooooooooooooooand it seems like they all go sorta south together. like in junior high school when the teacher loses the room. chaos. 
Fuzzy distortion on vinyl........Stylus issue?
badger_erich,honestly you are giving Wisconsin grad vinyl lovers a bad name. did you read any of the suggestions and check any of the ideas suggested to check? or do you just post a question and then ignore it all?is anything loose? did you even l... 
Buying a new TT today
Good luck and enjoy going down the rabbit hole and remember, the salesman will always try to get you to spend more as there is always something better. My guy turned an arm wire upgrade into an arm, then the whole table. Previously, my cartridge ... 
Buying a new TT today
this one might be beyond your reach, but messing around in the price range you are in will likely eventually result in a similar net expenditure.the Rega P10 ’package’ at $6000 retail will boost every piece of the current package you have to 2 or ... 
Fuzzy distortion on vinyl........Stylus issue?
@badger_erichhow close are your speakers to your turntable?what sort of rack is your turntable sitting on?assuming you know that this vinyl has not already had the grooves damaged.......that fuzzy sort of sound might be an extreme case of feedback... 
Minus k Technology BM-8 Isolation Platform
the big issues with a Minus K for a turntable are; (1) the turntable design needs to have it’s weight evenly distributed on the footers.....so it can be centered. some turntables have more weight to the back for instance. it needs balance to ’floa... 
Is it really worth it to get a phono stage over $10k
And, even though some question the cosmetics of Zesto Audio, I think they are, by far, the most beautiful components ever! Big WAF... George Counnas’s wife Carolyn does the industrial design for Zesto......very nice lady. always enjoy their rooms... 
Is it really worth it to get a phono stage over $10k
@lewm Mike, what did you think of the CTC blowtorch, when you had it in your system? It would seem that you didn’t fall completely in love, or else you would still own it. this was in 2002 when my friend and dear departed Bob Crump (the second ’C’...