
Responses from mikelavigne

Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
Western Electric Audio Porn.....if you are into that sort of thing. and some definitely are. i've not personally been bitten by this bug....yet.http://www.silbatoneacoustics.com/collection.html http://www.silbatoneacoustics.com/labsystems.html  
Why no Virtual System pics??
I posted a picture of my system but I haven’t the faintest idea how to access the photo or create a link to it. It’s edcyn’s system, btw. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8753 here you go.nice kitty.......and nice system. enjoy!btw.....once ... 
Anyone tried the Ortofon Concorde century Cartridge?
i did own the Ortofon MC Anna Diamond for a few months, which was similar to the Ortofon MC Century. both fantastic cartridges and a whole different level than those others.i still have a standard MC Anna, and previously owned a couple A90's.reall... 
is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable?
Why not just buy a good TT, and join the converted? his vinyl reference is from a cereal box......what else is there to say?opinions about vinyl have been based on worse data points, after all. :-) 
is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable?
sometimes the first step in responding is to try to make sure we understand the question.the ’sound’ comes from a stylus being dragged through a groove of undulations that cause the stylus to deflect and move a coil or magnet to send a signal. the... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
Avantgarde Trios with basshorns can’t do this? or the big Cessaros? Not sure I agree with you here.I think your speakers are simply harder to drive in a large room than one thinks. depends on one’s expectations for large scale, complicated, repro... 
How much will you pay for an exotic cartridge....
interesting thread.i happen to be the customer described in the opening post who bought the cartridge which prompted the USA distributor to get upset. it’s a complicated situation which i’m not going add anything here about. people have their pers... 
Why no Virtual System pics??
Porches. Just what I always wanted. Tons of trailing throttle oversteer. you are about 2 decades late in your chassis dynamics comments.and only rich doctors lift in the turn. :-) 
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
Check out 2L for great sounding digital i do have maybe 10 2L high rez files on my server. they do sound very good.have not acquired any in a while. i'm streaming new music mostly, or acquiring vinyl. not much actual digital media ownership ponde... 
Why no Virtual System pics??
it seems that the 991 series is holding strong. owned a 16’ CS2 for 2 years and sold it losing 10% only. hard to quibble with that.bought and sold it 'right' of course.way more car than previous versions however the viewpoints on the rarity. 
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
Are Mapleshade recordings the digital equivalent of Direct to Disk recordings? not really, since they are mastered to tape, then CD’s cut from tape. but Pierre’s process is very pure so is his sound on his CD’s. the result is quite ’like’ direct ... 
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
here are some direct to disc labels that are very good.....i have some of each of these.http://www.directgrace.org/Catalog3.html https://store.acousticsounds.com/l/4857/Berliner_Meister_Schallplatten also a recent full orchestral Bruckner 7t... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
i did start a WBF thread that ended up with 1200-1300 posts a couple of years ago about my experience with the ML3-VAC 450-Dart 458’s. lots of heavy breathing going on.all three superb amps and it was a privilidge having all three in room together... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
@audition__audio Berning would be my choice if you have the appropriate speakers. To me speaker impedance trumps efficiency. If I were to buy a S.S. amp then the darTZeel would be on my short list, but there is no way in the more sublime aspects ... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
@charles1dadThe Dan’Agostino and Boulder amplifiers were mentioned as similarly priced components. I’ve heard amps from both brands but only under audio show conditions. Are you familiar enough with either to render an opinion as to how they compa...