
Responses from mikelavigne

Tube versus SS
@tomcy6  If you don't need massive amounts of power to run your system would a stand-alone box regenerator be enough? i think how you do this is to compare your stand alone box to the regular wall outlet A/B for a period of time and with differ... 
Tube versus SS
@wsrrsw Does it matter where the power get cleaned as long as it get’s cleaned?@mikelavigne https://www.equitech.com/products/wall/wall.html is very cool "cleaning" the power in the room but would’t an AudioQuest Niagara 3000/5000/7000, Son of Q o... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
@petg60i’m not suggesting you don’t have a right to express your opinion. but then others can disagree, or express feelings that you are simply dismissing a product based on your view on the legitimacy to spend the dollars on hifi. not on the meri... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
Hi,None, if i had this money i would buy an AR Giulia QV. in 10 years (or 2) the Alfa will be on jack stands waiting for parts. the amps will still be playing.expensive/exceptional amplifiers are not a priority for all. it’s why we have automobil... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
if.....and this is a big IF.....your speakers and room can work with 60 OTL watts (not all tube watts are created equal)......then the Berning 211/845 is the real deal and one of the most transparent tube amps i’ve heard. it’s has top to bottom li... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
completely depends on the speaker and room size. those amps are like apples and oranges. they are doing different things.i had that specific ZOTL Berning 211/845 set of amps in my room over a weekend (Rick Brown, the guy with that ad, brought them... 
Tube versus SS
Why are many of the most expensive preamps 2 box units? Do they have two boxes just to impress you? Of course not, they have one box exclusively devoted to turning AC into DC for the signal section. i have 2 preamps.my darTZeel pre has a main c... 
Tube versus SS
agree with @noromance i have an Equi=tech 10WQ 10kva balanced whole system power regenerator. https://www.equitech.com/products/wall/wall.html so my power is not time of day or outside noise dependent. but it does not make solid state sound like t... 
It was 20 years ago today...
Mike, I don’t know if you remember, but several years back you were so gracious to host the Portland contingent lead by Jim Howard, another great friend no longer with us, and the indefatigable Colby Lamb, who is very much, still with us.Thank y... 
It was 20 years ago today...
Congrats Viridian, for 20 years on the Gon!my 20 year anniversary registration date is in 8 months, Feb 2001. i did lurk for a couple years prior in 1999 and 2000.. 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
Mike, you really need to get a Reed 5T and tell us how you like it. If I had $20K disposable now I would go for it. Mik in the UK has one and likes it a lot, but prefers the CS Port Linear tracker......which i love. so not in the market for a dif... 
Why no Virtual System pics??
Mike, nobody has ever given me the finger listening to my system. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten it in the 911’s. On the bright side I get just as many thumbs up. to be clear, not everyone likes my system or even the pictures, nor ne... 
Low volume listening dynamics
and......of course......there is always the ’sit closer’ idea for times when you want more immersion at lower SPL’s.it does allow for less ’room’ and more ’direct signal’......so the energy does not dissipate as much. i’m in the near-field all the... 
In Defense of Audiophiles, Bose, Pass, Toole and Science
What other scientific endeavor accepts subjective opinion as evidence and rejects scientifically accepted DBX testing as worthless? this is music, it’s art. we are not counting beans. we are looking for inspiration and pleasure.it’s fair to see w... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
Dear Raul,i respect your perspective on microscopic groove actions and groove modulation effects of drive systems.... When the stylus start to ride the groove modulations that act develops many other tiny modulations as: feedback from the LP surf...