
Responses from mikelavigne

Best SS amps with sound similar to tube amps
darTZeel NHB-108.not ss sounding; but not warm and slow either. sweet and smooth as butta, but with slam and micro-dynamic life. very neutral and very low noise floor.clarity, clarity, clarity......but no sterility or brightness. needs a speaker w... 
Nordost vs. Transparent...which is better?
there are numerous price points within both Nordost and Transparent; if you are asking about the very top level of each product.....i am familiar with both. i own 2 sets of Nordost Valhalla interconnect (i use to own 6 sets) and 2 sets of Transpar... 
How to best isolate TT from vibration?
if you have a 'flexible floor' and the tt is on a rack on that floor, you will not be able to eliminate the 'foot-fall' problem.....no matter what you do.....so you will have to live with that issue.OTOH you can eliminate the other vibration causi... 
Which Jazz Albums are similar to Kind of Blue
anything with Ben Webster will likely give you a bit of that ease and magic. Ben has that combination of 'cool jazz' but with great tone and subtle energy that Miles had in KOB. Ben is my favorite Sax player.i particularly like 'At the Renaissance... 
Is Digital actually better than Analog?
Cdwallace; i will respond to your points;you write;"I agree completely. However, I must point out that personal preference for vinyl (subjective) should not be passed as knowledge of the topic at hand, is digital actually better than analog. To ap... 
Is Digital actually better than Analog?
Cdwallace; i mostly agree with Nsgarch.it is a mistake to confuse preferring vinyl to being anti-digital. digital does not need to be better than vinyl. there is not a market justification for the musical performance of digital to equal or exceed ... 
Best lines in a song
"You got a lota nerve, to say you are my friend. When i was down you just sat there grining."...that Dylan guy.... 
The current SOTA SACD player
Alex, thanks for reading my posts in the spirit they were written in. Ecka, my comments were not meant to infer that Alex should not post.....just that his comments should not be a reaction to competing product opinions by end users unless solicit... 
The current SOTA SACD player
Greg, unqualified raves are what they are. but what would this board be like if all manufacturers challenged these comments like Alex? the whole damn place would be chaos since clearly everyone would have an agenda beyond 'pride of ownership'. mos... 
The current SOTA SACD player
Alex, i respect you and consider you a friend. we may not agree on everything in audio but i have no problem with that.OTOH you have a (very) long history (one of the good things about archieved posts and threads) of butting into any thread on EMM... 
If boulder is tops what is second tier?
Rich; you said;"Suffice it to say, there are a number of things regarding the engineering of electronics that should prevent them from being affected by the cables connecting them."i am one that has a great deal of experience with different gear a... 
If boulder is tops what is second tier?
i've listened to the Boulder phono stage a couple of times at shows. it did sound good but certainly not particularly unique.....but until comparing it to another with the same cartridge in the same system who knows?so far my favorite is the inter... 
Is Digital actually better than Analog?
Nsgarch wrote....."However I have several (Redbook) HDCDs and XRCDs whose sonics equal my best LPs.So anyone who has really great gear of both kinds really should try some of the XRCD releases -- especially the orchestral ones made from the old RC... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
I posted my thoughts early in this thread and have been following the very constructive discussion. i read somewhere in the thread that the power supply for the Placette passive RVC does not (or should not) benefit from a quality power cord. that ... 
Transparent Ref MM spkr cbls- How do they compare?
i have some Transparent Audio speaker cable experience.from 1997 till 2000 Reference XL speaker cable and interconnects were my reference. then i heard the Opus MM speaker cable and after considerable search for a lower cost alternative i did purc...