
Responses from mikelavigne

Is Digital actually better than Analog?
Musicaudio; point taken. if i could remove the "who the hell cares' sentence i would. it's not 'like me' to post in that way.i have posted likely a few hundred posts just here on the 'goN regarding this subject. if you are interested just search m... 
Is Digital actually better than Analog?
i recently swore off digital verses vinyl threads. i took the 12-step 'cure' (compared 12 Lps to digital). who the hell cares what anyone thinks anyway.you guys have fun. 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
i was the very happy owner of the Balanced version of the Placette passive RVC for 5 years until about a year ago when i replaced the $1800 Placette with the $23k darTZeel NHB-18NS. the Placette replaced the Levinson #32 preamp back in 2001 and th... 
Definition of "too Hi-Fi"
before responding it needs to be pointed out that music is valid in any form or format....one man's noise is many times another man's pleasure. as you travel down the road of the pursuit of the ultimate music reproduction experience you do go thru... 
The BEST Listening Chair u’ve ever had or saw??
i have three Ekones stressless chairs; fairly comfortable but the backrest is wide and 'cups' the sound which is the opposite of what you want in a listening chair.i own a chair that is similar to Tireguy's 'Backsaver' (in fact i might have turned... 
Which cable is most important to spend money on...
regarding the order of significance of interconnects; there is not one answer. it will depend on a number of factors.in my case my preamp (the darTZeel NHB-18NS) uses a propriatary BNC 50ohm cable (Zeel) that outperforms any conventional cable whe... 
Which cable is most important to spend money on...
it depends on a few different issues.where are you now?if you are at an entry level point and don't already have some fairly good cables then i would start with more quality on power cords (and even power conditioning) as those areas are the areas... 
Von Schweikert Owners
i owned the VR9SE's for the last 15 months; they were just shipped to their new owner. i have VR11SE's on order and currently i have VR7SE's on loan and am breaking them in as i type this.....so i have a bit of Von Schweikert experience.as all the... 
distance from amplifier to preamplifier question?
Bob,it's likely not the output signal from the pre (which the amp is then dealing with) that is the issue. it is more likely the power supply of the preamp is affected by the EMI from the amp's power supply. this EMI would cause noise in the pream... 
distance from amplifier to preamplifier question?
EMI (electromagnetic interference)from the power supply of the amp can pollute the delicate signal path of the preamp. this effect would vary from product to product depending on the design of the circut and level of shielding. EMI is not the only... 
Amplifier Weight. A Factor?
i have had any number of heavy pieces of gear around over the last 12 years in the hobby. many times this gear comes in big wooden crates. for a slender whimp like me dealing with logistics of moving gear around was sometimes daunting. then you ad... 
Who makes switch-box for balance inputs?
Ncwogger, prior to your question yesterday; i did sell my switchbox....at least my wife is happy. i'm not sure it could have been reconfigured to your needs......but then as i mentioned....i'm no techie. some aspects of the switcher would have no ... 
Who makes switch-box for balance inputs?
Ncwogger, i'm no techie; Jennifer Crock of Jena Labs did all the technical work.....i just told her what i wanted and how i was going to use it. my friend is her international distributor so i was able to get her to do it.my post above gives a bas... 
Who makes switch-box for balance inputs?
a few years back i looked for such an item. i was using a Placette passive remote volume control without any switchable inputs which needed to be near the amps but i wanted my sources (and switching) near my listening position.what i found was a s... 
Transparent Phono Cable
i assume you are using a DIN connector and not the RCA box. assuming that; you will need to pretty much special order most cables with that DIN connector. the chances of being able to compare phono cables with DIN connectors are slim.i would stron...