
Responses from mikelavigne

Powerstrips: Oyaide MTB vs Acoustic Revive RTP
you might add the Audience adept-Response aR1p to your list of power conditioning products to consider using.i have 11 Oyaide RS-1 duplex outlets in my system. for 7 of them i use the Jena Labs Fundamental One power cords, which include in line co... 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
Mike; glad you are enjoying the MAXX II's.the ASR is similar to the darTZeel (hard to say which is better without direct comparison.....and they may simply be different). you already have 'big' SS......so, if you want a change of pace.....my opini... 
Poll - Active vs. Passive preamp
i started with actives; the Levinson #38S and #32. then after buying the Tenor OTL monoblocks with integrated resistive based passive and hearing it in comparison to the #32....i went with the Placette resistive based passive RVC to get remote con... 
Center channel phase question.
another simple test is to reverse the + and - speaker leads and see if the center image gets more diffuse or more focused. obviously if it gets more diffuse the original orientation was in-phase. be careful as not all program material has center c... 
We are normal unlike the rest eh??? ha ha
Bearotti, this film has been around for at least a year and there have already been numerous threads about it both here on AudiogoN and on audioasylum......which is why the majority of people have no 'further' comment.as an 'honorary' member of th... 
To spike or not to spike, that, is the question.
you have a few issues going on here.a suspended wood floor as you describe has two main challenges; it will transfer footfalls to your gear and also transfer the acoustic feedback from your speakers to the rack.with a suspended wood floor the best... 
Break in time for Nordost Valhalla
i have owned Valhalla since 2001; and at one point used 6 sets of Valhalla interconnects in my system. i now have three sets.i purchased a Nordost CBID1 (Cable break-in device) when i first purchased my Valhalla and have always used that for break... 
emmlabs into wall outlet or into shunyata hydra?
Michael, i have had very good performance from both the Jena Labs Fundamental one and the Evolution Acoustics power cords.both have in-line conditioners that both quiet the circut and provide a filter than eliminates back feed of noise back into y... 
Do 1M iCs sound better than .5M?
Chayro, any change in length that small would likely result in a slight measureable difference on an oscillosope, but it is doubtful you would ever hear it in an analog cable assuming all other parameters are identical. a digital cable is more sen... 
Best subwoofer for a Wilson Puppy
i have a pair of JL Audio f113 Fathom subwoofers arriving this coming week. my original intent was for the LFE channel of the multi-channel i have added to my 2-channel room (no video....just hi-rez multi-channel). i am now planning on trying to i... 
Cost no Object but Small Room
Marten Design Coltranes would be hard to beat in performance/size. i seriously considered them for the rear channels of my 2-channel room.other possibilities would be the Kharma Midi and Mini Exquisites. those would be my top small 'cost-no-object... 
The best mini monitors you have heard?
i just purchased the Marten 'Dukes'; a small stand mounted 2-way, for the rear channels as i have added multi-channel to my 2-channel room.read about them herei have not yet listened to them as 2-channel speakers but i am quite impressed by how th... 
Listening chair?
i own three Ekones Stressless chairs. they are comfortable and nicely built. i used one for three years in my listening room (1996-1999). the only issue is that the back rests are broad and somewhat cupped. they will definitely effect the sound to... 
How to evaluate preamps?
Gethe; i've spoken to Guy at Placette regarding the passive verses the active. when a system is optimized for passive then the passive is 'as good, but different' than the active. the problem is that most systems are not optimized for passive.you ... 
How to evaluate preamps?
Scott; your musings on this issue have a familiar ring to me. 6 years ago i purchased a pair of Tenor OTL monoblocks with integrated resistor based passive volume controls and input selectors. at that time i owned the Levinson #32 preamp and loved...