
Responses from mike_in_nc

Religious music for less than devout
For those who do like jazz, the obvious one is John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme." 
Classe CAM 350 monoblock vs Classe CAM-400 or Bryston 4B3
@psnyder149 --Thanks for the great info about Classé. My audio room is in the basement, far from highways, and soundproofed, so I am the most likely audiophile to hear any fan noise. I have banished fans from the room.I own a CP-800 (now in my des... 
12 years or 18 years?
For health reasons, I gave up hard liquor almost 20 yrs ago. However, before that, a glass of whisky was my usual listening companion. It certainly reduced the urge to tweak and increased the urge to relax and listen.The other option I liked was b... 
Classe CAM 350 monoblock vs Classe CAM-400 or Bryston 4B3
A few comments.@psnyder149 found the Classé CA 2300 fan inaudible. I agree that it's a fabulous-sounding amp; in fact, I was about to buy one. But in my audio room, when I was listening to string quartets, the fan became audible during quiet passa... 
Classe CAM 350 monoblock vs Classe CAM-400 or Bryston 4B3
@timothywright:I own a 4B3 and it's the best amp I've had. I preferred it to the Pass X250.8, not just for lower heat, but because I found the Pass a little too lush and tubey. A great amp, to be sure, but not as neutral to my ears as the 4B3. Reg... 
Very basic subwoofer question
You can improve the bass with subs -- improve the sound overall with subs. What you do depends on your aspirations for the system.In my desktop system, which has Harbeth P3ESR speakers (5" woofers), I added a used B&W ASW610, a 10" powered sub... 
Roon endpoint or Dac with Room correction
I’ve used ARC and Dirac both (as well as several other methods of auto and manual room EQ). They both give great results. I have two different systems doing what you want.1. MiniDSP SHD. This is in our living room, a third system for us. I find th... 
Classe CAM 350 monoblock vs Classe CAM-400 or Bryston 4B3
If the older Classé amps ever need service, that might be complicated by Classé’s ownership changing from the B&W Group to Sound United, which I believe is not repairing older units. Bryston, of course, is not owned by a holding group and repa... 
CD Treatment
Back when, I tried them all, and I never noticed any difference. Save your money for more music or better gear. 
speakers or room???
The Tannoys look like lovely speakers, and published measurements don’t show a peak there. But the two octave around 500 Hz are an area sensitive to speaker positioning, especially with ported speakers. So my suggestion is, try moving the speakers... 
Gaining listening experience without spending money
Join an audio club, if there is one in your area. Go to meetings. Make friends with the other members and ask about reciprocal listening sessions. If there isn’t a club in your area, start one. Or, as @simao suggests, check the location of fellow ... 
Anyone have experience with Aerial Acoustics 6Ts?
I heard the 6Ts at AXPONA, being driven by the Ayre Mimas integrated amp. To my ears, it was one of the best sounding rooms at the show. Very musical and clean. 
Suggestions for good cheap Equalizer
As others have said, a cheap equalizer is not going to be absolutely transparent. But in a second system, maybe it doesn’t matter. Another issue is whether something like the Loki, with 4 fixed bands, might be easier to adjust than, say, a 1/3-oct... 
New Classe Delta amps and stereo pre amp
@gallus - The Anthem also lets you bypass digital conversion of analog sources. From the manual:CONVERT ANALOGBy default, analog inputs are converted to 32-bit / 192 kHz using a high-quality A/D converter to allow Anthem Room Correction, bass mana... 
Yamaha R-N803 one of the best values in high-end audio?
@sbayne - My experience is, all those programs (e.g., YPAO, ARC) have a learning curve if you want to get the best from them. Careful measurement, careful listening, careful tweaking. That said, none of that matters if you're doing it all by ear (...