
Responses from mike_in_nc

Digital Amplifier Company aka Cherry Amplifier ...
When buying from a manufacturer, you may have a greater risk of not being able to repair if the shop closes. The key in that is "may." How many large manufacturers support their gear for many years? Some do, some don't, and one never knows when a ... 
if i encode digital audio with vinyl frequencies will i have digital vinyl ?
You are a true audiophile. 
CD Transports
This new Audiolab got a great review recently. I think I'd be inclined to favor it over the CXC, given that I saw more reliability complaints than expected, back when I was exploring the CXC option.To be clear, I have no personal experience with e... 
Lyngdorf 2170 or MicroMega M-One 150
From the Class D amps I’ve heard, I think the claim of harshness is nonsense. One of those received audiophile truths that isn’t true.In the US, I would pick the Lyngdorf. I think they are well established here, and service should be easier if nee... 
Ps Audio BHK Signature vs Parasound Halo A 21+
Your question is impossible for any of us to answer reasonably. The better amp is the one that sounds better to YOU, with your system in your room. None of us can predict that. 
Upsampling and the FR of a DAC
My understanding is that the FR coming out of a DAC is limited by the digital filters, and if you upsample, you get the benefit of the filters designed for higher sampling frequencies. These roll off more gradually outside the audible band. I thin... 
In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment
Those who might spend $30K on such a thing are those who will be least affected by this mess. And, given the economic trends in the US and worldwide, high-end audio increasingly is aimed at such people. That's the world we live in.@ebm : I agree. ... 
Good Streamer with WiFi Connectivity
Auralic considers the G2 their best streamer. I've not heard the G2 (I own the G1), but I would expect the G2 to have the edge in an Auralic system where you could use their proprietary Lightning Link bus. How big an edge is open to debate.Reviews... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Thiel CS2
@imhififan :  Regarding details of the low-pass filter, my regrets; it was too long ago, and I no longer have details. It was a simple R-C passive filter sketched out by a friend who knows electronics better than I. I assembled it into a little ... 
Good Streamer with WiFi Connectivity
I’ve also owned the Auralic products -- Aries (femto), and now Aries G1. Both did fine wirelessly, indistinguishable from wired connection. The G1 and G2 are well engineered products that give great sound.As mentioned, Auralic’s app is only for iO... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Thiel CS2
I owned Thiels (about 30 yr ago) and extensively auditioned Vandersteens (about 35, then 15 years ago). As @erik_squires said, the Thiels have very pronounced treble. That gives them great imaging, air, and soundstaging, but can make them hard to ... 
Amp Upgrade time, $6000 budget, used or new.
Glad you are considering the t+a also. There can be synergies when same maker's gear is used. Forgot to say that in my previous message. 
Amp Upgrade time, $6000 budget, used or new.
When I spend that kind of dough, I won’t do it without a home audition and right of return. That lets out most used gear. I am using Janszen hybrid electrostatics, and I don't want a harsh amp to take away from their beauty.If you can take the cop... 
Wireless vs. USB
>> Why does a wireless signal, when received by and transmitted from digital player to DAC via good USB connector, sound better than pure wireless received by an all-in-one streamer with DAC -- even though both use the same DAC? <<I do... 
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
I enthusiastically second everything in @mapman 's post.