
Responses from mike_in_nc

Vanatoo speakers - should I get them for hifi sound?
I heard them at a show and thought they were really good for the cost. Maybe you should hear them yourself.Review in NoAudiophileReview in ZeroFidelity 
Streamers with best apps?
Most streamers will work well with generic UPnP/DLNA apps or apps that support OpenHome. The Cambridge is an unfortunate exception -- it seems to work only with its own app.Two of the better control point apps I’ve found on Android (in 9 years of ... 
ISO Tact Audio M2150 remote
Check here:  https://groups.io/g/TacTAudioUsersGroup 
S/PDIF-how different than an IC?
+1 @kijanki. Blue Jeans Cable sells an SPDIF cable that seems to be well engineered and for 3-foot length is $19 plus freight. I have a couple of their SPDIF cables that I use when I need one. I had them made with yellow cabling, so I don’t mix th... 
power conditioners in $3000 to $5000 range
I like the Torus RM20. 
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?
Three month wait? I understand, we all get impatient. But the payoff at the end will be far greater than slapping up a few foam panels. 
Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps
Yes, you did. Thanks for the link to the STR review. I think that for most users, the STR will be the more rewarding product (vs. the LA4). 
Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?
Artnovion and Vicoustic have the most beautiful products to my eye. But they are not cheap. The best value often is provided by GIK, who will provide a treatment plan for a small fee, refundable on your first purchase. Like others, I recommend pan... 
Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?
Just walk around your room and clap your hands sharply. If you can hear the echo, you need a foam panel on ONE of the walls. Yes, that's reasonable, but it's NOT bass trapping -- it's treatment for slap echo, which is much higher frequencies. 
Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps
@yyzsantabarbara - Interesting approach to audio. I'm sure it sounds great. For what it's worth, I've been using DSP for over 15 yrs and  examined Acourate several times. I was never a professional developer, but a scientist who spent quite a bit ... 
Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps
@audiotroy - Something you said interests me but got garbled. It was this: the wavelet offers an easy to use eq fub. Function that the anthem does notCould you clarify, please?  Thanks! 
Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps
@yyzsantabarbara - Regarding using a PC vs. hardware RCS. Devices like the Anthem and Wavelet use more powerful computers for generating filters, which is the computationally intensive part -- I suspect it involves numerical optimization. Convolut... 
Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?
It is highly unlikely that any foam thing for $25 will be an effective bass trap. You might find this interesting, an impartial video by a professional:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdi6jKLhfbw 
Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps
They are totally different units.The LA4 aims for minimum circuitry and maximum transparency. Reports I’ve read say it succeeds at the latter. It has few features; it’s just a highly transparent line stage and attenuator.The STR Preamp (as @erik_s...