
Responses from metralla

How far away is your Nirvana
I am of course referring to audio Nirvana not world peace. Nirvana is a world at far away do you think your Nirvana is?Your separation from Nirvana is the illusion.Regards, 
$5000 universal player ... am I a fool ?
Some reports say that it's still buggy on audio. BluRay appears to be OK.Regards, 
Why buy cheap speakers??
I don't think there are any "rules". During the '80s the UK HiFi mags were mad keen on the "front end first" paradigm, going so far as to recommend a Sondek-Ittok, moving coil, Naim amp with tiny Linn Kans. The US mags at the time concentrated mor... 
A bit off topic, but it seems like you own the CD. Any difference between the original CD release and the reissue?Regards, 
Upgrading iTunes Artwork
I search for the image I want, then download it into My Pictures first. I have Google Toolbar installed with the Picture widget, cycling through My Pictures. So I get a random slide show of all the covers I have downloaded - kind of cool.After tha... 
Cogent horns
Why do field coil drivers cost so much? Are they particularly hard to make? Or is the answer just the inverse effect of the economy of scale?Regards, 
Zepplin CDs -- new box or wait?
Improved sonics?On CD, the best sonics for the original albums are on the old Atlantic CDs - mastered by Barry Diament and Joe Sidore (just LZ IV). Either WG or JPN pressings. The best sounding Led Zep on CD is on the 3 CD set from 2001 - Warner B... 
Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far
02-26-09: Jfz writes:Springsteen: Working on a Dream, especially if you are an audiophile with a great system.You are making a joke, correct? Both that and Magic have terrible sonics. I sort of like them on my iPod, but awful at home. And I like B... 
Not sure if I get the point of the Wadia iPod dock
And they own a DAC - thus ruling me out.Regards, 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
As a contented Coincident Super Eclipse owner, I'd have a serious listen to the Coincident Pure Reference. Regards, 
Life after DarTZeel
I've asked Jessica to drop around to your place. We'll see if you are a man of your word. ;-)Regards, 
Recommendations for a CD player $1500 or less
I am also wary of American Theatre in FL. I'd like to be reassured. Anyone else, apart from Dave b (no offence, mate), dealt with them?They always have really low prices and I'd like to know more - how do they do that?Regards, 
Playback Designs Firmware Update
The BIOS analogy is interesting - updating the BIOS "could" also raise the speed of the CPU (overclocking) in which case the computer WILL run faster.Regards, 
What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?
I think you will hear a big improvement. I had a modest system in 2000 (Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Arcam Alpha 10 integrated, Paradigm MiniMonitor II) when I first tried an after-market PC. My dealer lent me a Cardas Golden (not the Reference).It improved... 
itunes backup suggestions
Synthfreek:You should backup everything in your iTunes folder and not just the actual music files. Good advice, but ....On a Windows box, if you have your iTunes directory set to somewhere other than the default, as I do (E:\iTunes) then the music...