
Responses from metralla

Wire the House A/C or get Power Conditioner?
Another source for cryo'd silver-plated outlets is Acme Audio. $35. Happy owner here., 
SACD...around $3500?
I'm a fan of the Sony SCD-XA5400ES. It compares very favourably with my extensively modified (Ric Schultz - EVS) Sony XA777ES and the 5400 sports balanced outputs, though I don't think that is of interest to you. $1500.I'd like to hear a compariso... 
Best SACD Player in the $2000 Range
You will enjoy it from the start, but it definitely improves over time. The bass is very nicely done, and the tonal qualities are spot on. I think it is a little more alive than the Marantz SACD players I've listened to.I'm listening to Joe Hender... 
Ipod cable to Integrated amp
Best to get a dock-RCA cable. If you use the mini-RCA cable you are taking the headphone feed that goes through the colume control. I like the cables from Audio Line Out (Ken Ball).Regards, 
Best SACD Player in the $2000 Range
I can recommend the Sony SCD-XA5400ES also. It does take a while to give of its best, but it is a very articulate and alive-sounding player. Nice balanced outputs if you can use them. Useful remote functions, fast reading of SACDs.I got mine from ... 
BAT 300 SE integrated volume problem
There is input control - at least there is on my BAT preamp. Maybe it's been turned down.Regards, 
Cd/sacd player for under 2K?
The Sony SCD-XA5400ES is $1500, and sounds very good. If you really do want SACD, this is one of the best value players around. It takes quite some time to break in and really open up, but it will and has a clear and detailed, but not over bright ... 
How do you steam clean vinyl LP's?
Buconero117 writes:You do want to find the label cover device that is available on e-Bay from time to time, it prevents the label from being steamed off and is a handy way to actual hold the record without touching the groves. A cheap alternative ... 
Number of records you have
50,000 Jtinn? Wow, I bet that took up a lot of space. I guess you didn't move house that often.Regards, 
Soulution 710 Amplifier and 720 Preamplifier
As you no doubt know, wages and part costs in Switzerland are among the highest in the world, then with customs and distributor costs, Swiss-made gear (FM Acoustics, DartZeel etc) is, in my opinion, somewhat over priced in the US. Wonderful it may... 
Decco USB Connect Not found by Windows XP PC
>"I am quite PC literate" OK, then. "Plug and play" should make this work. Unplug all the USB devices. From "Computer Management" - "Device Manager", select each of the nodes below "Universal Serial Bus controllers" and right click - Uninstall.... 
Double Albums/CDs, curse or blessing?
Joshua Tree? That's on one record, as far as I can recall.Regards, 
STUPIDLY high resolution pure silver interconnects
Timtim, I was suggesting a DIY version of Allen's foils.Regards, 
STUPIDLY high resolution pure silver interconnects
You should try the VSE foils then.Regards, 
Designer Hall of Fame
Good to hear that Peter Stein is back. I appreciate the update.Regards,