
Responses from metralla

300B replacement
Cincy_bob writes:I'm currently using a pair of the Sophia Princess Carbon Plate 300Bs in my SET amps, and the sound is phenomenal. The Sophia tubes are notably better than the current production model Western Electric 300Bs in my SET system.Thanks... 
CD has laid back and uninvolving sound
12-14-08: Oregon writes:It baffles me that so many people spend thousands of dollars trying to get an analog sound out of their digital machines. Why spend thousands on DACs ... Why? Because we have thousands of CDs. If one has spent $50k on the l... 
can sacd or dvda be transfered to i tunes?
Not the DSD layer of SACD. The digital interface is protected - there are proprietary solutions. The data is protected through Pit Signal Processing. Regards, 
Neil Diamond.........
I bought that one recently too, and liked it very much in the rental car; but (nitpicking here) when I got home, the sound was a little overcooked in the hifi system. Modern mastering, again. I do like the songs though - better, in my opinion, tha... 
Rock: well recorded bass...60s/70s
12-04-08: Pdn writes:I'm done buying any older recorded CDs (i.e. 60's, 70's, even 80's) unless they're in HDCD or SACD format or they've been digitally remastered to 24 bit. I'm exactly the opposite. I've been buying the original releases of CDs ... 
Anyone on The Waifs?
All are good. They don't have a big discography - I bet you'll end up with them all. The live one is the only disc of theirs I don't have (note to self).Regards, 
Storing Cd's on Hard Disk
MS Windows? Browse to where your iTunes files are stored. Open an album folder - look at the tracks. Do they end in .m4a?If you are not showing file name extensions, you can engage that through Explorer - Tools - Folder Options - uncheck "Hide Ext... 
2 Marvin Gaye albums coming to SACD MFSL
"Let's Get It On" was previously released on SACD by Motown (hybrid, multichannel). I have it, but it's not a great sounding disc. Not sure if it's the transfer or the recording.Regards, 
Rock: well recorded bass...60s/70s
Most newly recorded CDs are ruined by the compression and the "loudness wars". Modern remasters suffer compared to the original discs.Macdadtexas, for Zep on CD you need to try the original mastering by Barry Diament, made in Japan for the US mark... 
Storing Cd's on Hard Disk
You don't really need a quality drive - you need quality software. The standard is Exact Audio Copy - EAC. It's a free download, though you are encouraged to send the developer a postcard. It's easy to install and there are a number of primers out... 
To Filter or Not To Filter . . .
What if you live in an apartment that you are renting? I also live in Northern California (San Jose) and, like the original poster, have upgraded receptacles and decent power cords.Regards, 
Do Hybrid Multichan SACDs always have stereo SACD?
Part of the "standard" for SACD was that there should always be a 2-channel high resolution section on the DSD layer - independent of hybrid or non-hybrid. There are just a couple of m/c SACDs that do not have a 2-channel DSD section, but I don't ... 
wadia ipod dock-- anyone find faults?
Dave,11-12-08: Kmelancon writes:I paired the Wadia with the bel canto dac 3 and then compared it against the bel canto cd 2. Regards, 
And the winner is--- 116, no wait it is the 121
I hope you're feeling better soon.Regards, 
Spkr, interconects, or power cable upgrade first?
Power cables will make the most difference. I would then replace the speaker cables with solid core cables - I'm not a fan of multi-stranded wires.Regards,