
Responses from melm

VPI acrylic vs. aluminum
Actually, the original VPI platters were of aluminum with a lead ring insert.  When VPI moved to acrylic, also with a lead ring insert, it was hailed in TAS (then a credible mag) as a major improvement.  I went through that transition and agreed. ... 
Do 180g vinyls sound better or is it a myth ?
1. Myth if interface of record to platter is good.  Best IMO to look for old records in good condition.2. It depends mainly on your vinyl system and set-up. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Paul,Wm. Thakker is selling the Art-9 for 861 Euros x-VAT.  At today's exchange rates, that is close to the Japanese price in the $ advertisements. The UK price you give (Stone Audio?), I think, includes 20% VAT so its x-VAT price is 683 pounds, w... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I don't think the warranty is a worrisome issue.  It was some years ago that I returned a cartridge to a Japanese seller because it did not look as though the cantilever was lined up correctly.  It was handled with dispatch.  With modern shipping ... 
TTW turntables
I also have a ring, one of the older ones.  Great product.Perhaps something here will work: mail, phone? 
Class "A" phono cartridge discussion.
"My bias slants toward AT ART9. But even though it betters most on the "A" list, it won't get there because it is too inexpensive."Yes, and also because it has very limited distribution in the US.  But that doesn't explain the lack of reviews in ... 
Need help and advice on a VPI 3D arm
Not all copper is.  Speak to your plumber. 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
If AT recognizes LP Tunes as an authorized dealer then it is likely AT-US that imports the cartridge.  Normal business practice is that if a dealer imports an item directly, that is gray market, for that would cut AT-US out of a mark-up.Actually, ... 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
A communication from Audio Technica has confirmed that LP Tunes is an authorized dealer.  Very strange marketing on the part of Audio Technica USA which doesn't list the Art-9 among its offerings in North America.  Seems to me that biggest advanta... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Ordered from Juki on Friday early morning.  Cartridge arrived yesterday, Wednesday, on East Coast.  Mounted today.   Mounting was a bit of a chore; with supplied hardware screw went in from bottom.  Also, without vertical lines or sides azimuth s... 
TT Speed Control/ Phoenix Roadrunner and Eagle Review
ledopier,The lowest possible voltage on the eagle is 85 volts.  Set it there.  If your TT works well, and it probably will, just leave it there.  If you have a problem, raise the voltage in steps until you have no problem.That's it! 
Phoenix Engineering speed control
Call Phoenix. 
Which has higher priority, overhang or VTA?
" it seems to me, any time I change the VTA, the overhang is changing also."  Theoretically true.But hard to see what the issue is here.  You can always reset overhang after adjusting for VTA/SRA.But you really don't have to.  As a bit of high sc... 
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge
@catcher101. As for a warranty on a cartridge, I think if it looks right and sounds right from the get-go you’re good to go for the duration. Given proper treatment I’ve never seen a cartridge fail. Have you?2. The last cartridge that I bought fro... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I think I’ll pull the trigger on one of these next week and want to ask current users about VTA/SRA. Have you done much experimenting? Is the cartridge proving sensitive to this adjustment? Are you winding up with your arm level or tail up or tail...