
Responses from melm

MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
And some heavy hitters are not (yet?) offering MQA:  Ayre Acoustics, Benchmark Media Systems, Boulder Amplifiers, Bryston, Chord Electronics, dCS, EMM Labs, Hegel Music Systems, Marantz, Meitner, PS Audio, Schiit Audio, Simaudio, and Soulution, fo... 
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
The editor of Stereophile sent a recording he had made to MQA to be MQAd. When he got it back he couldn’t readily distinguish this recording, very familiar to him, from the MQA version. He tried, under very carefully controlled conditions.Many MQA... 
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
Reichert wrote:"Back in the 1960s, I bought every Dylan record . . but all his records sound opaque, annoyingly hard, and overly compressed. Every time I listen to Dylan, I ask myself, Why must they sound like this? I felt this way until I heard Z... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
Thanks, but if it is what you say, why mod?  What is the nature of your mod?I'm near to pulling the trigger.  Anything I need to know? 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
Anyone?It’s a new DAC with two mono ESS9038pro DAC chips in parallel (said to be equivalent to 32 9028 DAC channels in parallel).and with fully discrete output op amps.  
VPI Analogue Drive System
Running your TT at the right speed (or nearly so) is not a tweak.  It's just a very basic thing everyone should do, like leveling the platter. 
VPI Analogue Drive System
Keeping the speed at 33.3 is an important function of a speed controller, but it is not the most important thing. Maintaining that speed without micro-speed changes is even ore important and is heard in better, smoother, sound. I can vouch for the... 
2nd pivot for VPI 3D
I think it would be useful of reviewers of the 2nd pivot let us know which cartridge is being used for evalualtion.  I suspect that the pivot would be more beneficial to low compliance (stiff) cartridges rather than high compliance ones. 
Outer Platter Rings
About 2 years ago I bought NOS TTW 2.5 lb. ring weight. I wouldn’t be without it and use it (with a center weight) on all records, though when they are demonstrated it is often with badly warped ones and it does make some formerly unplayable disks... 
Long XLR Interconnect Cables
I recently went from short balanced interconnects between preamp and amp and long speaker wires to long (23 feet, 7 meter) balanced interconnects and short speaker wires and I like what I hear. I’m using Mogami 2549 which is VERY inexpensive, and ... 
Is there somewhere I can check vinyl sound quality?
I agree with paraneer and with fjn04. Good old records in their original pressings are the best. Most reissues disappoint me.For classical music I would suggest also that you go to a used bookstore and find an old Penguin Guide, old enough so that... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I found this thread very useful when I contemplated a new cartridge and landed on the ART-9.  A plea then to get back on topic so that it may prove useful to others thinking about cartridges.There are plenty of other venues to discuss electronic u... 
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle
"Roadrunner was $234, now $400Falcon was $379, now $500."These current prices are via ebay.  The same seller on Amazon is charging $300 for the Roadrunner.  The Falcon is unavailable there. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
My experience with a new Art-9 was that it showed its basic attributes from day one.  It has improved ever since.  It replaced a Shelter 500 with SS OC retip in a VPI 3d arm, and outperformed the old cartridge right away.  I mention the arm becaus... 
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle
I think it depends upon what one thinks is necessary.  Before the Roadrunner few people monitored TT speed carefully over periods of time.  If nothing else, belts wear out or stretch.  Then there is a bit of disagreement as to whether absolute spe...