
Responses from melm

DAC Selection
This has become a very interesting thread.  Since the Chord DAVE has been mentioned, on an LKS thread here (I'm the OP) a contributor compares the LKS very favorably, and in great detail, to the DAVE at 7X the cost.  He goes on to say that, nevert... 
Questions about VPI Turntables and rotational speed
You may be measuring speed inconsistency (which comes in many different varieties), but I don;t think you are measuring flutter.A relatively easy way to HEAR ordinary flutter is to play a recording of a solo acoustic piano and listen for the notes... 
DAC Selection
You sound adventurous* enough to consider one of the direct-order Asian DACs which seem to provide a lot of value.Unless you're intent upon spending a lot you might research DACs like Holo, Pontus, LKS, Gustard, or Denafrips.  Costing a fraction o... 
My big DAC dilemma
I understand what you mean by  detail, transparency and dynamic range.*But what exactly do YOU mean by "musicality?"  And why don't you think reviewers and audiophiles cherish something THEY call "musicality?"*Too much dynamic range can be a prob... 
How tight do you tighten a record clamp
Adjusting the clamp (over the rubber washer) to each record drove me nuts.  Different record weights and different kinds of warps each call for a unique deformation of the disk.Got rid of the clamp and replaced it with a peripheral weight and inex... 
Outer ring - who uses and what are your findings
See also:  €399. 
Outer ring - who uses and what are your findings
"melm233 posts07-13-2018 10:51amI also have a VPI with an older acrylic-lead platter that I wouldn’t change. So I opted for a 2.5 lb. 3rd party ring. It is a TTW ring; they’re out of business now, but there's still a reasonably priced vendor..Woul... 
Outer ring - who uses and what are your findings
I also have a VPI with an older acrylic-lead platter that I wouldn’t change. So I opted for a 2.5 lb. 3rd party ring. It is a TTW ring; they’re out of business now, but there's still a reasonably priced vendor..Not only did it improve the sound an... 
Outer ring - who uses and what are your findings
It works.  Have made it part of my "ritual." 
What software to play .dsf or dsd files for Windows 10?
I have JRiver 23 and I see no reason to upgrade to JRIver 24.  JRiver, through its forum, continues to support 23 (and older versions I think).That being said, it is beyond annoying that they introduce new versions so often, rather than simply pas... 
Which is better - Hi end CD transport or Music server into DAC?
The best that can happen here is that each person can relate their own experience.  In my case ripped CDs on a HD sound better played through a simple ASUS laptop via USB than they did played directly through an Oppo 105 by spdif.As @ejr implied, ... 
What software to play .dsf or dsd files for Windows 10?
I use Jriver.  It has had, for me, a long learning curve.But, it will play .dsf files pretty easily.  Seems it can sense the ability of the DAC involved to play natively or not.  Out of one computer it goes to a DAC that can, out of another it goe... 
FYI if thinking about adding a Single Motor Flywheel to a VPI Prime
I use a SMFA with a VPI TNT.  I highly recommend any flywheel, physical or electric (as in SDS or equivalent).  Each such addition has made a discernible difference in the SQ.That being said, and given that the Prime is currently VPI's biggest sel... 
VPI TNT Mk 3 – Looking for a tonearm and cartridge
One thing that helped when I used silk thread is to spray it with spray adhesive.  It will slip less. 
A question of Azimuth setting up turntable
There has been so much said and written about the Foz meter's failings that I personally stay away.IMO if you buy an expensive cartridge (say, more than $700 or so) I would not accept it unless the stylus by a very careful examination by eye and b...