
Responses from melm

Oppo 205 modification
Sorry to be a party-pooper, but I think these kinds of mods (and the $1300 or more spent on them) are not a good way to find better performance.  Much better IMO is to find a good performing separate DAC and let the Oppo feed it by spdif.  That wa... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
I find it extremely odd that a reviewer for a magazine, even an e-zine, would find it necessary or ethically appropriate to "push" a piece of equipment he reviewed--along, of course, with "pushing" the review itself. Many similar boards would not ... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
@smodtacticalThe upgraded Amanero board is excellent with its own power supply (though drawing about 5V from one of the 50W transformers). It also has two femto clocks on board.The Schiit unit is not at all comparable as the Amanero board is a USB... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
@hfaddict wrote "I’m quite happy with my purchase and can only hope it is as reliable as my Chord has been!"I think I've read just about everything written about this DAC, and with the help of Google in 3 languages.  I have not yet read of anyth... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
@smodtacticalIt is rare that a do-all component can excel at all of its functions over separate, well chosen components. A couple of the commercial reviews of the hdv820 suggest that its DAC section is outperformed by separate DACs which themselv... 
Turntable isolation
You might try what was used to good effect in the final iteration of the TNT turntables, that is, squash balls. At each corner a properly sized piece of wood with a central indent on top (such as you can make with a large counter-sink, a spade bit... 
Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.
@noble100 You seem to have a lot of opinions.However, taking you at your word, the analog systems you have heard had noisy bearings--hence rumble, poor speed control--hence flutter, etc., were playing dirty records--hence annoying surface noise,... 
Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.
@noble100 I am indifferent as between good analog and good digital.  I enjoy them both. Most of my listening is to classical.Dynamic range:  Classical music has the most dynamic range generally.  While the dynamic range of digital is greater than ... 
Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.
There's a lot of high priced crap out there.I have an Oppo 105 and didn't play it very much as it didn't come close to my vinyl.I ran the Oppo into an LKS and the improvement was amazing. Better still when I ripped my CDs and SACDs and play them t... 
vpi tnt still a performer?
@bpoletti  One must also ask about the bearing, which may have more to do with the SQ than any distinction between various acrylic and metal platters.  The bearing that came with the original acrylic-lead platter was clearly bettered by later bear... 
vpi tnt still a performer?
@bpoletti Of course you are entitled to "prefer" what you own, many people do. However you never specifically state that you have heard the acrylic-lead platter on your Aires.As I wrote earlier, HW, the designer of these TTs, has written that the ... 
vpi tnt still a performer?
@bpoletti IIRC the Aires came out well after the original TNTs. The original TNT platter (and I still use one and would not part with it) was lead filled acrylic. It was a heavier version of what they used on the later versions of the HW-19. (Earl... 
DAC Selection
"What I learned here is that there are as many opinions as people."Why should DACs be any different than any other component?What you write suggests that the Terminator may have QC problems, or that it may not not interact well with certain other ... 
TEST: Older R2R Tube DAC vs Newer Delta-Sigma Solid-State DAC
I agree; implementation is the biggest issue.  Analog stage and power supplies.Delta sigma dac chips, as from ESS, are relatively inexpensive as they are produced in great quantity.  Therefore they are used in DACs of all kinds of qualities.  So t... 
vpi tnt still a performer?
The early TNTs had a lead-acrylic platter.  No stainless involved.Whether the TNT or similar table is better off with a solid connection to its base (as with Stillpoints) or a more flexible connection (as with springs, air bladders or squash balls...