
Responses from melm

Sota Total Eclipse package for VPI tables first impression
First, congratulations on getting the Eclipse package.  I use the Eagle-RR combo on a VPI and couldn't be more satisfied.  And you have a better motor now.FWIW I have never found that quick switching from one alternative to another to be a useful ... 
Turntable recommendation
Before the direct drive vs. belt drive battle heats up, let me suggest at that price a used belt drive will provide the best sound.  But it could be a bit more of a hassle to get it set up right. 
What are some good sources for buying new LPs and CDs
I never buy new CDs if I can avoid them.. What's the difference; it's not like old lps.  I rip them all anyway for better convenience and better SQ.Ebay is usually best with the absolutely easiest no-cost return if there's a problem.  For hard to ... 
Oppomod femto clock upgrade Oppo 205
I think that modifying an Oppo is not a good use of resources.  For better SQ, better to buy a good DAC, and they are getting better.  A good DAC will hopefully have a better power supply, a good femtoclock(s) and a discrete analog section.  The O... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
"Apparently I typed Horowitz, but was thinking Rubinstein."Almost as wrong for Rubinstein. 
How to isolate turntable from footstep shake or vibration
FWIW I have a VPI TNT sitting on 4 hand balls, per the last of the VPI TNT suspension designs. It sits in a sandbox on a table, itself on a suspended floor. When I start hearing sound of walking on the floor, I know it’s time to change the handbal... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
"and and of course a few by Horowitz. I think Chopin was all he played." Really?  What planet do you live on? 
Mahler vs. Strauss
To put it very briefly, their orchestrations deriving from their manner of thematic composition are very different.  Strauss, more of a Wagnerian with (relatively) simple broad themes.  Mahler is often though of as composing chamber music for his ... 
Sudden development of more pops than usual. VPI TNT turntable.
All good suggestions.  I use an Audioquest anti-static brush on each disk.  Seems to work for me. 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
The Walker is ridiculously expensive for what it is.The Eclipse package, which includes a better than VPI motor will perform even better than the Eagle with the VPI motor.  You can begin with just the motor and control.  But for the full effect yo... 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
I have the original Eagle/RoadRunner package on my VPI.  It's a great set-it-and-forget-it package.  Over at the VPI Forum you can read of others who have installed the SOTA Eclipse package.  Folks over there will help you if you go this route.  T... 
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
For recent experiences, installing an AudioQuest Pearl USB between my DLNA bridge and DAC opened up the soundstage to the whole wall in front of me, and added depth.  But it lacked realistic sparkle.Then moving to an inexpensive cable running two ... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Since sns has written about the ESS Sabre DAC chip, and because Sabre chips were trashed by someone in the MH-DA004 thread as others have in other places, I'd like to share my reasons for going this route. The main reason for the trash talk, I thi... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@rh67,The list price is $3299.  Googling the DAC, that's what comes up.  The European distributer lists it on for less when you remove the VAT and with free shipping to the US.  But if I wanted another I might email the factory.  Perfect E... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@auxinput,Thanks for the kind words.  I'm not an engineer though I wired up a number of units long ago and used to do mods before the industry went to surfaced mounts.  Screwed up a few and quit.As for the Musetec, FWIW as far as I can tell the si...