
Responses from mechans

Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???
You can emphasize certain qualities by making cable choices. Silver tends to highlight the treble energy that is there. Also you amplification as already changed to pure SS and class D inparticular can bring out the treble in some systems. I have ... 
Tube emission
You aren't going to hurt your amp. At worst the unmatched emmissions may result in audible differences in output but this is not a certantainty. 
Signal cable Analog Two IC
What is Grover's web site called. I have a have a hard time finding him. Audience makes an entry level gacle called Conductors wich are quite good. They seem to have lttle if any coloration of their own and are fast. 
Technical Pro MRS series monitor speakers.
Where did you get the suggestion. From a purely superficial persective these certainly sound like they are worth an audition. As has been said a million times akl the words in the world are not equal to a good listen. Listen to them and you will k... 
Will a Music Hall a15.2 drive 4 ohm speakers?
The amp can probably handle your 4 Ohm speakers with that much power into 8 Ohms. The question is -how loud do you plan on playing them and into what space? It is a matter of when the amp will clip. Most amps will clip at some point, but many very... 
Anyone try Pvane tubes in your Dac or CD player?
Evidently you need suggestions for a 12AU7. My heart is still with NOS or OS more likely these days. All decent NOS tubes seem to have become crazy expensive thus their use may be out of the question. The 12AU7 I would recommend is an Amperex whit... 
MIT Cables
I don't really think that "audio intelligence" has a lot to do with your preferences in cabeling. There may be some arguement about the MIT interface and what it does, technically but if it sounds good to you,isn't that sufficient. My taste and pr... 
Pass Labs XP10 vs Modwright LS 36.5 for X250.5
A Pass pre, with a Pass amp, seems logical unless told otherwise. You may want to try a tube pre amp. There are many out there to try. I don't know what would sound good to my ears with a Pass 250.5 in particular, so for once I will not venture a ... 
MC 275 tube amps with what speakers ?
I don't want to start a fight but Planar speakers with tube amps, even the venerated MC 275 are not the best plan. Speaker choice is a subjective thing. You would have to tell us a great deal more about your preferences and even then we would be t... 
Woofer for RA Labs Mini Reference
You might want to ask Bill at Millersound if he has the surround you need. His work is truly that of a perfectionist, you will get a great repair from him if he has or can get the surround. 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Perhaps the price of entry,for these "tuners" is prohibitive. I think I saw $700 for one of them which claimed to have Platinum as part of its makeup. 
Frequency Response
I guess it should be noted that measurements are made in "anechoic" chambers which are not like most listening spaces. (I would say any but someone will find an objection).Also that human hearing is supposedly limited to at best 20Hz to 20KHz. As ... 
tube gear vs solid state...cable effectiveness
I agree with the other responses so far, I own primarily tube gear and find that cables are as meaningful as I imagine they could be, with any set up. I must say that $3K is not "semi" high end thats a lot for a cable. I know there are some that s... 
Whats better a 2 way speaker or a 4 way speaker
The quality of sound from a speaker is not a function of the number of drivers but as you have read it is the cumulative success of engineering all of the elements that go into the final product.Some people prefer the 2 way speaker and others like... 
Marantz 2325 Buzzzzzz
The site is I rebuild very cool site but I gather on the expensive side perhaps, well this is a "high end" group of enthusiasts.